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Later, as she cleared away the remains of the meal, Guy settled the now weary children into bed. She stood at the window, drying the pots and dishes, and she felt the warmth of his breath, as he came to stand close behind her, taking the cloth from her hand.

Lifting her hair to one side, he bit lightly at the back of her neck, and then kissed the slight marks his teeth had left. Then he slowly unlaced the back of her bodice, sliding his hands around her waist, then upwards to her breasts, cupping them gently, pressing her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, until she moaned softly with the pleasure of it.

She looked over her shoulder, and asked quietly, "Here?"

He smiled as he answered, "Oh yes my sweet lady."

She lifted her skirts and leaned forward, her elbows on the wooden sill, amongst the pots of flowers and herbs, and he loved her there, in front of the window. It was gentle and slow, and as she arched her back, he felt and heard her delight at his efforts. Then he moved his hands to her belly, holding them flat there on either side, pressing her even closer, and crying out as he was lifted by his own pleasure.
As they stood in front of the window, dishevelled and still panting from their exertions, both with their hair in their eyes, the stockman Ivor walked by carrying a young calf which had strayed from its mother, and he nodded at them in greeting. Auriel was glad of the foliage on the sill as she slapped Guy's hands away, greatly embarrassed, because she was so sure that Ivor knew exactly what had just taken place between them.

Later as she lay in the slightly leaning and crooked bed that Guy had fashioned for them, she set to pondering again on her sickness, and sleep would not come. Guy was snoring gently, so she got up quietly, and wandered into the room where her children were sleeping, looking down at them in their slumber, thinking that she would probably not see them reach their full grown days, or marry and have children of their own. In
her despair she went down to the kitchen and sat before the cold fireplace weeping
quietly lest anyone should hear.

She believed that she had the same "blood sickness," that Morgan her Uncle had suffered. The headaches, the dizzy spells, and the bruising that appeared, though she could not remember injuring herself, were the same. He had lived a full year before succumbing to it, and at the time of his death, he had seen only thirty-five summers. There had been no medicine to prevent his demise, despite the efforts of all who had offered help and advice. Her aunt Gwyneth had nursed him at the end, his wife being great with child, but even she had only been able to ensure his comfort in his final days, and he never saw his son, born soon after..

She returned to bed just before dawn, not wanting Guy to wake and find her missing. She thought she would not sleep, thinking only to rest, but she woke late, and heard the children downstairs with Richildis, so she quickly dressed and ran down the stairs.

"Good morning Mistress" she said, "You have slept late today, and the master bade me not to disturb you as you were sleeping so soundly. The little ones have had their breakfast, is there ought else you require, for I must get myself to the dairy, 'tis cheese turning day".

Auriel thanked her and said there was nothing, but that she planned to take a noontime picnic to their menfolk working in the fields, and if Richildis had finished her work, she might want to accompany her and the little ones. The children then screamed excitedly, "A picnic, a picnic!" and little Ghislaine asked if she might bring Gertrude along, Gertrude being her most favoured hen.

Late morning found them all setting out across the fields, the two women laden down with bread, fruit, smoked meats, cheese, cider and flagons of water for the little ones, who went running ahead, each of them eager to be the first to spot their father.

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