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Guy and Thorin had been waiting on Auriel's return with the Wizard for eight days, when the dwarf suddenly stood up and said, "I believe we must stir ourselves, for our bodies grow slack with this constant sitting. We have done nought but eat, drink and lie about here in this place and our thoughts fester. We should take turns to remain here on watch, while the other exercises themselves, there is a passage that will take us on a circular route around this chamber, it should take but an hour to complete. We must do this at least five times every day, more if it suits."

"Then perhaps we can engage in some swordplay and other mock combat.This chamber is large enough and it will be of some benefit to us both I am sure. We dwarves love to bathe and we have excellent facilities, there is even a steam bath. What say you?"

"But what If she comes and I am not here?" Guy said, "I gave my word that I would remain here, she will look for me."

"The route is circular, I have planned it so. At no time will either of us be more than a short moment away from this place, that is if we are walking. If we run, it will be less. Now, will you do it?"

Guy nodded, realising the wisdom of Thorin's words. He knew he was filthy and needed fresh clothing and when the dwarf said that he would have a bathtub brought to the chamber, his mind was made up and he went off to follow the route prescribed by his new friend.

At first, he ran swiftly, but his days of sloth meant that he was soon struggling to breathe with any sort of regularity and his pace slowed. Even so, he completed the circuit in a very short time. When he returned to the chamber, Thorin was already stripped to the waist in preparation for his own exercise and he handed Guy a sweat cloth as he passed.

Over the next few days, they improved the speed at which they ran, increasing the number of circuits and competing with each other as to speed. Their mental agility also increased, and the time passed more quickly. The bond of friendship between them grew, as they vied with each other in the swordplay and suddenly, a full month had passed.

Guy was sitting in the tub, a few days after, when he was interrupted by several of the magical sisters as they hurried into the chamber.

"Up and out," one of them cried as she threw him a drying cloth, "we have sensed a return, it may be hours or days, we cannot tell. We cannot foresee in what condition they may arrive and we need to prepare. After you have covered your decency, we ask that you help us to clear the chamber. Even if the return is not today, we must all remain vigilant."

You and your comrade must stand ready with your swords, whilst we wait, for we have no inkling of who might be returning through the Portal and we may find it necessary to defend ourselves."

The joy at the thought of his wife's possible return went almost unremarked, as he and the dwarf gave their assistance in preparing the room, either for the safe arrival of Auriel and Merlin or what might prove to be an enemy intent on harm.

When all preparations were complete, the sisters left to fetch food and drink, both for themselves and the two who stood ready, their swords close to hand.

They returned shortly after with platters piled high, chattering amongst themselves as they served it to all those gathered, for in their absence, others had come, some dwarven and those who now shared their domain.

Guy was about to bite into his food, when the ground beneath him started to shake, as small pieces of rock fell from the ceiling. There was a loud buzz in the air around them which quickly became a high pitched whine.

It became so loud, that all those present covered their ears. The Warlocks in the group formed a protective circle around the witches, as Guy, Thorin and others of his kinfolk unsheathed their swords.

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