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A few days later, it was decided that the journey back to Camelot could not be put off any longer and the date was set for two weeks hence. Aunt Gwyneth decreed that Auriel was as well as she could make her, and that the joy in her husband that she overheard nightly was clear proof of it. She joked that she would be glad to see the back of them and their cavorting!

Guy rode out every day with his eldest son, and the boy became more adept as the days passed. He had been told by Guy of his mother's illness and the reason for the journey to Camelot, and seemed to accept in his mind that his parents would be absent for a while. He listened keenly as Guy said to him, "In my absence you will be the head of the household. I expect you to bear up and take care of your family. Aunt Gwyneth will be there to guide you, but the responsibility will be wholly yours".

The boy looked so proud at his words that Guy felt an even closer kinship with him. He tried to spend more time with all of his children, but his duties around the farm occupied him for many hours each day, as he helped Ivor to prepare his two young nephews for their increased responsibilities.

This meant that the brunt of it fell to Auriel, who fussed and petted them to the extent that they started to avoid her and resent her attentions, the little ones, in their innocence, not fully grasping that their Mama and Papa may be away for many weeks.

When he talked of it with Auriel, she said that perhaps it was a mixed blessing that the little ones had no real understanding of the grave reason for their journey, but he knew that they would both sorely miss all of their children, as their journey took them away.

Five days before they were due to leave, Ivor came to him and said that there were new pups at a nearby farm and that he thought it would distract the children, during their parents absence, if he fetched one home. He assured Guy that he would keep the pup at the cottage and see to all the training and such, but that he would give the children the responsibility of it during the day. 'Twill be good for the young ones Master," he said, "and it will keep them occupied, so that they do not fret too much whilst you are away."

Guy thought on it for a few moments and said to Ivor that he agreed, subject to the approval of his Mistress,  and Ivor smiled knowingly, "She'll not object Master, for she greatly loves those children and it will break her heart to leave them, she'll not deny them this joy, of that I am sure."

Ivor and his wife, were as yet unaware that their Master and the Mistresses' aunt had magical talents,  and Guy had learned to guard his tongue around his stockman since his "Gifting," but he could read in Ivor's thoughts that he and his wife were more than willing to aid in the care of his family in his absence, believing that they were travelling to Cornwall to visit a Physician who specialised in the treatment of the disease from which his Mistress suffered. Without thinking, Guy thanked him for his reassurance on the watching over of his family and walked away, leaving Ivor standing there scratching his head.

The following day Ivor was despatched to fetch one of the small dogs and he returned an hour later with a roly-poly pup, whose only visible talent was to pee on the floor repeatedly in his excitement, which of course delighted the children, though aunt Gwyneth said it would have to be tied up outside, as she would have enough to do, without constantly being required to mop up after a leaking pup! But she relented when Ghislaine began to cry.

Mordred and Gheraint declared that they would train the pup between them, but as neither of them had ever had ownership of a young dog before, they had absolutely no idea how to go about it.

Then came the great naming of the small creature, everyone in the household involving themselves in it, making suggestions. But it was aunt Gwyneth who won the day, declaring that the pup should be called "Pump" as he was constantly making water, (generally on her kitchen floor), and so it was agreed.

Lying together in their bed at night, as the day of their departure came ever closer, it became apparent to Guy that his wife would miss her children grievously and he was hard pressed to keep up her spirits, telling her one night in absolute desperation at her constant sobbing, that they would be about their play as soon as their parents were out of sight, which made her wailing rise to such a crescendo, that aunt Gwyneth got out of her bed and came into the room, saying very loudly to her niece, "This caterwauling must stop!"

"You can stay here and suffer an agonising death in front of your children, shrivelled up in this damned bed, or you can grasp your future in your own hands, and seek the cure my girl. Now make up your mind, so that we may all get some rest, your little ones are awake and fretting,  and I grow weary of it all. Find the strength of spirit I know you have and trust in your man, he will see you through this and bring you back safely to your children."

Thus chastened, Auriel ceased her crying after a while, and decided she would distract herself with her husband, who's loving she still craved, even in her despair, and of course, he was always willing and more than able, to make love to their mutual satisfaction.

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