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    Auriel rode back with Guy to a space where the cavern reached so high above them, that they could not see its full height. There were lights all around them shining so brightly, that for a moment they could not see clearly.     Then there were so many people surrounding them that she became separated from Guy, who stepped back as the magical folk encircled his wife, knowing that he was seeing for the first time, those whose support he had come to rely on during their journey from Wales.

    His heart was so full when he saw the happiness on Auriel's face, that for the first time, he believed that there was truly hope. He saw men and women standing together, smiling at him, as if he were a valued family member, and it came to him suddenly that he was.

    "How have you all come here," he asked one of the men, "is this your home, here in these caverns?"

    "For the moment it is and we are safe here, under the mountain with the dwarves, safe from those who still persecute us," the man replied, "More arrive daily, the dwarven folk have welcomed us and we are grateful."

    He introduced himself as Egbert and called to the woman standing close behind him. "This beautiful lady is my wife Anige, you communed with her some while ago. We are your cousins by marriage, through Lady Gwyneth's fourth husband, and we welcome you here to this place of Sanctuary.

    Guy felt the heat rush to his cheeks when he recalled that the woman before him and no doubt most of the others present in this great space had lately touched him quite intimately and revealed their most private thoughts to him and Egbert smiled at his discomfort.

    "You will learn to accept the exchange of intimate knowledge with us without embarrassment," he said, "for these are our ways, and we withhold them from no one willing to receive them."

    "Your great love for our sister Auriel shines clearly in your eyes and we know that you have travelled many miles with her, seeking out a cure for the terrible sickness that presently afflicts her. We are many, come, follow us to where Merlin awaits you, leave the women to their chattering for soon they will be called upon to prepare our sister for what is to come."

    Guy followed the men through what seemed like endless passages, until at last they came to a large fire, the smoke from which seemed to curl endlessly above their heads to be lost through a cavity in the roof through which he could see the stars. There was an aged, grey haired, bearded man sitting near to the fire, along with several dwarves, who all turned to look at him as he entered.

    "Come, sit Guy of Gisborne," the old man said and as Guy drew closer, he saw great wisdom in the many lines on the old man's face.

    "Sir, would you be Merlin the great Wizard?" he asked, "I have been told that my Lady and I are expected, please tell me that you are able to help her, I stand ready to give my life if need be!"

    "Hush my boy, there is time for us to talk a while yet", said Merlin, "the women prepare her as we speak. I have not used this particular magic for many centuries, but I can see no other course before me and I am determined in my efforts to wipe out the scourge of this disease. I attempt it only because of the purity of her selfless spirit, she is wise beyond her years, wise enough to know that she was not the one chosen, and wise enough to choose a good man, who would love her and stand his ground in defence of her."

    "This magic is not without its perils and you will need all your courage to see it through. I also know of your gifting and I sense nobility of spirit in you. You feel great love for this witch, who is now sadly without her powers, but that is for another time. Come I would show you the place."

    There was a dark curtain to the rear of the cavern and Merlin drew it back, revealing a large stepped plinth on top of which sat a marble sarcophagus lined with soft down. There were six large candles burning around it, three at the foot and three at the head.

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