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    Guy and Auriel quickly settled back into farming life. Ivor and Richildis were overjoyed at their safe return, and their Mistresses' obvious good health, young Gwyllem appeared much grown in their absence, and his parents doted on him.

    Aunt Gwyneth, willingly gave up most of her child caring duties, but was still the mainstay of the family. She continued to cook all the meals and help out about the farm, relishing the sense of love and family that seemed at times to emanate from the very walls of the house.

    One morning Auriel rose early and went out to pick raspberry leaves, returning with them to make an infusion. An hour later she went to the privy, noting the blue colour of her water and when she came out she walked into the woods behind the house, cradling herself in her own arms, quietly weeping.

    She went directly to the bedroom, where Guy was dressing. He noted her tearstained look, and his face went pale. She sensed that he thought she had taken sick again, as he rushed to her side.

    She placed both her hands on her belly, then she looked up into his dear sweet face, "It would appear I am growing another small Gisborne my darling," she said with a small catch in her voice, "I carry your child."

    Guy fell to his knees in front of her, just as he had done the first time in the cave in Camelot. He placed first his hands and then his forehead close to the place where his unborn child now lay and she placed her hands on top of his head.

    "I did not dare hope," he said, his voice breaking with emotion, "You are the breath of life to me and that has and always will be enough, but this, this, I do not have the words to describe my joy! The sickness and your terrible ordeal in Nottingham, the things you have suffered, and yet you have given me this great gift, again!"

    Then he stood and took her in his arms, looking down at her questioningly, "Will it be two do you think? Will we be blessed again?"

    "I sincerely hope not," she said, quite matter of fact now, "I clearly recall the lack of sleep, when our twin babies came, though aunt Gwyneth is here and she does love little ones, we will have to wait and see. I wish for another daughter, with the dark hair and eyes of her father, but perhaps not quite so great in stature!"

    He kissed his wife gently and then with increasing passion, as he felt her response and remembered how she had been when carrying their twins.

    She stepped back out of his arms, quietly picked up a chair and set it under the latch of the door, "We have time," she said, walking towards him and pushing him back onto the bed, climbing astride him, "the children are still sleeping and oh my love, I have such a need for you, remember how it is with me when I am with child. I cannot get enough of you!"

    "It seems it has always been thus with you wife," he said, grinning up at her, "you are a wanton, madame, have you no shame?"

    "I have none husband", she said, laughing down at him, "my self control is sadly lacking," then she looked downwards, "as is yours it would appear. I would show you how wanton I can be, if you can but get yourself out of these breeches in your present condition!"

    When he rolled over and placed her beneath him, he kissed her passionately and when the kiss ended, she let out a long sighing breath. "If I could but keep you in this bed, my life would be like heaven," she said, shifting to accommodate him as he joined with her.

    "As would mine," said Guy, echoing her own deep sigh with his own, "though you would surely have to free me on occasion, to ensure the efficient management of this farm and allow me to take sustenance!"

    As they lay side by side when their loving interlude was over, Guy said quietly, "I thank God every day for the redemption of your love. I would hear you say the words again," and she softly told him that she loved him, more than her life, before they both got up to carry on with the business of the day.

                                              THE END, OR PERHAPS NOT.


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