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    It soon became apparent that Auriel was almost herself again, but the potions she was taking daily were merely putting off the evil day, and aunt Gwyneth said that it was time to sit around the table and make the final plans for the journey.

    "It is time," she said, "for we cannot put it off much longer."

    Then she looked sternly at Guy and said, "But firstly Sir Guy of Gisborne, it is time to teach you the error of your ways!"

    Guy looked at her very puzzled, saying, "What can this error be Aunt, have I caused offence?"

    "I could almost excuse it the first time, because you had just been 'gifted,' she said, "I was a mite embarrassed by the incident, but you were not solely to blame, as my thoughts as I watched you walk away from me that evening might possibly be construed as immodest, as you pointed out to me. But now you are compounding the offence, by continuing to misuse your newfound ability to read the thoughts of others, most specifically, those of your wife, who is unable to reciprocate, now she is without her own magical gifts."

    "Please do not regard me in that stupefied fashion. I speak the truth and you cannot deny it, for my bed is above this kitchen and the catch on that pantry door is in dire need of repair! I need hardly say that of late it has been rattling like an old hags teeth!"

    "We shall have a day of lessons in self control and your loving may yet reclaim its previous spontaneity and there's an end to it. Your first lesson will be at noon today in the far meadow, away from the distraction of your wife, and I will not be persuaded otherwise!"

    Throughout the discourse, Guy had sat silent, trying to curb his amusement at being treated like a callow youth, but as he could see at this juncture that aunt Gwyneth was also struggling to maintain her own stern visage, he kept silent, but nodded his acceptance of the situation. Auriel was sitting next to her husband and staring at the floor, so great was her embarrassment.

    "So, this is how it will be", she said next, "you have made the journey before, so the way will be familiar to you, think of your earlier travels, mark in your mind the places of safety you found, and try to avoid pitfalls such as footpads and the like. You will know what supplies you need, they are all to be found on this farm, and are readily available, but you do not appear to have a suitable mount, one which will be able to carry you both, should my girl begin to falter in health. I think perhaps it would be wise to also have another animal suited to carrying supplies, one that will be content to be led."

    Then she reached around her neck and removed the heavy gold chain she wore there and handed it to Guy.

    "This should be sufficient for the buying of the animals. Go with your stockman to the market, nearer the day of departure and he will advise you which breeds will be most suited to your needs, though you should need little advice, being a good horseman yourself. As a former Knight, I also trust you have kept any weaponry you have in good order, for your previous experiences indicate that it may well be required again."

    Guy made as if to return the necklace, dropping it to the table when she would not accept it. "I cannot allow this," he said, "we will find the price some other way, for I know this must be precious to you, as I have never seen you without it."

    "You will take it for the sake of my girl," she retorted, "it was a gift from one of my many husbands. I quite forget which, so he was obviously not a man of note, save perhaps in the bedroom, for I would never suffer a man who lacked in performance!"

    The amusing words lightened the moment and they all smiled, but then she went on. "I have prepared fifty day's worth of the potion required to keep this evil thing at bay and I shall take my grandson further afield in the coming days to ensure that you will have the herbs and plants you require to replenish your supply when the time comes. Your wife is familiar with the method, because she has watched me prepare it many times over these past weeks, but you will also have to learn the making of it, should it be required."

    Then, when she saw their serious faces across the table she reached out and took both their hands in hers. "It may seem that all is bleak just now," she said, "but we have a plan and the means to carry it out, I shall send you safely on your journey, adequately prepared for all eventualities. It only requires courage now and you both have it, nurtured by your great love for each other. We will find the elusive Merlin, and all will be well, for I am unable to persuade myself that you will fail."

    Then she looked at Guy and said, "The lessons begin today and by the time of your departure, I swear that you will be well able to control the magical abilities with which I have endowed you and they will be your armour."

    "Now for a little light in the darkness," she said, "we will need to make some memories for your children, that they will never look back on these days with fear, and to that end, I have in mind a great picnic at the river. We will tell them that it is to celebrate the birth of that fine young boy child who presently rules the roost with his great bellowing at the cottage! We shall have food, drink, and swimming, and I may even bare my ankles and get my feet wet. In defiance of my advancing years, smile now, the pair of you, there is still light in the world!"

    Then she added, her smile widening, "Finally, I would ask a favour, for I am quite weary of your nightly cavorting, though it warms my heart to see your continuing joy in each other. I have heard a nightingale at the far end of the wood by the bridge. I beg of you, Guy of Gisborne, take your wife there this evening, listen with her to the nightingale and then find a convenient tree against which to lean her in your passion, so that I can sleep peacefully in my bed without the rattling of that catch on the pantry door!"

    The following day at noon found Guy in the far meadow with aunt Gwyneth, for his first "lesson". At first he found it amusing, as he was still able to read her thoughts and when he removed his shirt as the day was warm, her thoughts became so chaotic as regards his muscled chest, that he rapidly put it on again, but then he sensed her disappointment, so he waited a moment or two before declaring that the day was too warm for the wearing of excess clothing and that perhaps her own self discipline required attention!

    But after the amusing and slightly embarrassing start, he became more attentive to her words and was soon able to demonstrate the success of the lesson, when Ariel appeared in the distance with refreshment for them. Aunt Gwyneth then challenged him to be more circumspect in his thoughts towards his wife, especially in the presence of her aunt, clearly reading his thoughts, even while she was taking him to task about reading those of his wife!

    As Auriel approached, aunt Gwyneth reminded him of the spell of self denial that she had taught him that afternoon and when his wife looked at him suggestively, with thoughts about kissing him and other things which are best not mentioned here, he feigned disinterest and did not respond, thus proving the efficacy of Gwyneth's teaching and she praised him for it, though his wife declared herself sorely disappointed in the great lack of kisses!

    The remainder of the afternoon went well, with several other lessons being learned, one of which being the first spell that he had seen his wife invoke in his presence, when she used it to enable her to light some sodden firewood. Later, he almost mastered the art of moving objects with his thoughts, but when his soup bowl fell to the floor, complete with its contents at supper, and his own spoon rose up and hit him full in the face, he declared that he "may" need a little more practice!

    They all eventually retired to bed, the women first stating that Guy should clean up his own mess, which he did with great reluctance. Then, after going to his bed himself, he distinctly felt his wife's desire for him when he removed his clothing, though she was not in his line of sight and he had not heard her speak. So he thought perhaps his recently acquired spell of self denial may also be in need of more effort on his part, but made no mention of it, because he was a little preoccupied with being "spontaneous" in his efforts to satisfy his lusting wife!

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