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Two hours later Thorin halted his pony and dismounted, instructing Guy and Auriel to do the same.

"There is natural ventilation here", he said, "we may light a fire and prepare food, the smoke will be drawn upwards. There is also a spring nearby, I will fill the water skins."

Guy protested politely, saying that he was quite capable of fetching the water and Thorin smiled, "There was no implication as to your water carrying abilities Sir, we dwarves have spent many nights round a campfire, the routine is second nature to us. But as you wish, the spring is about a quarter of a mile east. Follow the passages marked with a cross on the outward path and those marked with a circle when you return."

When Guy came back, the fire was blazing well and the smell of something tasty was in the air. The horses had been unsaddled and were tethered together round a bale of fodder, which hung suspended in a net from the cave roof. His wife was asleep and looked very comfortable.

Three large stones had been drawn up about the fire, the Dwarf seated atop the largest, smoking a pipe.

Guy joined him at the fire and the dwarf offered him wine. "You appear to have anticipated our needs more than adequately Sir," Guy said to him, accepting the wine gladly, "for I see more sleeping pads, blankets and pillows here. I am grateful for the comforts you are providing."

"I am at your service," he replied. Then he added, "You have been expected for some time Sir. Merlin was made aware of your coming by the Lady of the Lake, and he already makes preparation for your Lady's arrival. If I may be so bold, she is a beauty and it grieves me to think of her in the grip of this sickness. You have children I believe? Tell me of them, for I have only nephews and they are a high spirited and unruly pair"

"We are blessed with twins," Guy replied, "a boy and a girl, almost six years old now. The boy is Gheraint and the girl Ghislaine, they are the joy of my wife's heart and she feels the loss of their company keenly. We also have an adopted son, though we make no difference in our affections between any of them, he is like our own."

He told Thorin of the time at the picnic when he had almost drowned, and Mordred had saved his life.

"A fine courageous son then," Thorin replied, "it is what every man wants, but I have always been more drawn towards a solitary life. I doubt that will ever change."

Auriel woke as they were talking, yawning and stretching in such a catlike and sensuous manner that both Guy and the dwarf looked away, Guy because he desperately wanted to hold his beautiful wife, but could not do so due to the lack of privacy, and the dwarf out of politeness, at the private moment made inadvertently so public.

"The food is ready to eat now I believe," he said, perhaps seeking to ease the atmosphere between them all, "I will seek out the plates and forks, will your Lady have wine, Sir?"

Then there followed such a performance between the two men in their haste to be the first to serve her, that Auriel stood up, walked between them and poured her own.

The food was delicious and Auriel complimented their host, thanking him also for seeing to her comfort when she had needed to rest earlier and once again he said, "I am at your service."

Guy merely nodded his thanks and Auriel thought to herself that their acquaintance with the dwarf might prove to be interesting.

When it was time to sleep, Thorin stood up clutching his bedding. "I will sleep some distance away, for I would not intrude on your privacy," he said, and then he smiled, "but I should perhaps warn you that the slightest noise travels far within these caverns. I bid you goodnight."

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