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    They arrived in the Realm of Camelot, at the cave in the cliff that had once been Auriel's home, just after noon, 29 days after they had left Wales.

    Although the foliage around the entrance had grown apace in their absence, when they cleared it away, the inside of the cavern looked much the same, save for a small pile of animal bones just inside the entrance, doubtless left by a fox.

    Guy swept the ground free of debris and they unloaded what remained of their supplies. He then unsaddled the horses, tying each of them to a tree, whilst he went off to the stream to fill the two containers he had found at the back of the cave.

    Auriel collected enough wood to enable her to cook their evening meal, but did not light the fire as it was a warm day.

    When Guy returned he found her standing under a tree just in front of the entrance to the cave and when she had not moved by the time he had placed the water containers inside, he walked over to her and she smiled at his approach, putting her hand to his cheek.

    "You are far too early for the nightingales, my lovely girl," he said, pulling her close to his heart.

    "I am remembering," she said softly and he could see that she trembled slightly, "for this is the place where you introduced me to the great pleasure, and oh God, the joy of it, if I close my eyes, I can almost feel it."

    "If you close your eyes, I will be forced to kiss you," he said, but before he could quite finish the sentence, she kissed him very hard, but too quickly, so he put his hands on her shoulders and tried to pull her back

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    "If you close your eyes, I will be forced to kiss you," he said, but before he could quite finish the sentence, she kissed him very hard, but too quickly, so he put his hands on her shoulders and tried to pull her back.

    "This gentle and loving interlude has been wonderful my darling girl and I will cherish it always," he said, "but today I would have the something more!" and as if to confirm it, he pulled her even closer, so that she would feel his great need, smiling down at her and seeing the approval in her face.

    "I believe I shall make you wait," she said mischievously, "for the waiting will make the prize all the sweeter," and he moaned his disappointment.

    "You may accompany me to the stream and watch me bathe if you wish, but I would have you wait at a distance and not trespass upon my person," she said, and then chuckled at his expression.

    "So now Sir Guy of Gisborne will have a tantrum I suppose? Poor man, that you should have such a teasing wife," and then to add insult to his hurt feelings she added, "but first you must find me a rabbit or a fat partridge for my stew or there will be no supper either."

    He looked so despondent at her words, that she ran after him as he walked away with his crossbow, kissing him hard when he stopped and saw her, and he returned her kiss with such skill, that she groaned out loud as he abruptly ended it, and pulled away from her.

    Very satisfied with his victory, he grinned at her with his slightly sideways smile, saying, "It is my intent to have you very thoroughly after supper my girl, and you had better bring your best efforts to the occasion, as I shall bring mine, make no mistake!" and she found herself quite breathless as he walked away from her.

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