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They made camp quickly, Auriel having to kindle the fire in the regular fashion, as Guy could not show his magical abilities in front of the wretch before them, who had already returned, apparently unable to produce the "wife and children" he claimed to have.

"They are not at the place where I left them," he whined, "but if you will give me sufficient for their needs, as well as my own, I will ensure they receive it."

"See, my love," Guy said, as Auriel handed the wretch his package of food, "See how he cringes amid the mire of his own falsehoods!" Then he prodded the man with his dagger and spat out the words, "I will bear your lies and your stink no longer, get from my sight! If I set eyes on you again, I will cut out your lying tongue!"

The man ran off into the darkness.

Guy sat up by the fire long into the night, fearing the return of the vagrant and because of it they both slept late the following morning, waking only to the sound of the horses, when they needed to be fed and watered. Guy was up and away with them to a nearby river as his wife was still getting dressed.

"I will be but a short time my love," he called, "we have lost some time, but if we do not tarry over breakfast we will be on the road in an hour," and she waved as he passed from her sight. She saw that he had left his sword and dagger hanging from a nearby branch, still sheathed in their leather belt, but paid it no mind, as she returned to their shelter to drag their bedding out into the sun to air.

As she bent to lift it, a shadow fell over the entrance and as she stood up she felt the point of a dagger at her throat, smelling the familiar stench of the man she had taken pity on the night before, as he stood behind her.

"Well, and what do we have here then," he said, "My lady seems to be without her protector, such folly when there are thieves and worse loose in these woods." She felt his stinking breath when he leered over her, pushing his hand into her bodice, clutching hungrily at her breasts.

"I am not alone," she said, pushing his hands away, my husband is but a short distance away watering the horses," and she knew immediately that she should have guarded her tongue, as the foul creature standing behind her, with her husband's own dagger at her throat, would know exactly how far away the river was, and that her husband would undoubtedly be away for some time.

"I intend to have some sport with you my girl," he snarled, dragging her out of the shelter. "I have not had a woman for longer than I care to remember, and you are a well rounded slut, cleaner than most I have known. I will have my way with you on the ground, out here in the sunlight, the better to look at you when I strip you, we shall see how your man likes that," and as he pushed himself against her repeatedly, still with the dagger at her throat, she felt his stinking body already stiff with his lust.

He grabbed her hand and pressed it against him, "Feel this my girl", he said, "By the time I finish, you will be begging for more!"

Then he shouted loudly in exaltation as he threw her face down onto the ground and tore into her clothes, clawing and biting into her flesh with his filthy hands and rotting teeth, but he was spent before he could find his way into her clothing.

"You damned bitch!" he screamed at her, "you cannot even pleasure a man!" As he turned her roughly onto her back, he hit her in the face with his clenched fist, and she saw to her horror before she lost consciousness, that he was ready again.

Guy was already on his way back from the river with the horses when he heard the clamour of voices inside his head. "Guy of Gisborne, you must return to our sister, she is in grave peril! Go quickly before it is too late!"

He was running even before the voices stopped, his heart pounding in fear at what he would find when he reached her. Then he saw her, lying there, her eyes screaming silently at him in her terror, as the filthy wretch held his own dagger to her throat, his other hand over her mouth to silence her as he moved on top of her.

Guy walked swiftly into the clearing, in absolute silence, his eyes blazing, and his long black hair flying behind him in the breeze. As he strode forward he threw out his right arm, the sparks of his magic flying from his fingers as his sword arced towards him, its blade gleaming in the sunlight, as it smacked in to his palm. He raised his left arm, and the filthy creature on top of his wife flew shrieking through the air, stopped only by a tree, before thudding hard into the ground.

"Auriel, are you wounded or bleeding," he shouted, while she raised herself up still sobbing, shaking her head, clutching the remains of her torn clothing around her, as he walked towards the filthy cringing animal now struggling to crawl away from him. He bent to pick up his dagger from the ground, tucking it in his belt, seizing the man by his matted hair and dragging him to his feet.

 He bent to pick up his dagger from the ground, tucking it in his belt, seizing the man by his matted hair and dragging him to his feet

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"You damned filth!" He shrieked, shaking in his rage, with his sword point pressing against the wretch's belly, already drawing blood.

"You dare to put your stinking hands on my wife! I will castrate you and put out your eyes!" Then he stopped, turning his back upon the wretch, looking again at his sobbing wife. His eyes still wide with anger, he turned slowly and said softly, "Better yet, I think I will just cut your throat! Prepare yourself for hell, for you are surely on your way!"

Then he put down his sword, reached for his dagger and slit the man from ear to ear, watching as he gurgled and drowned in his own blood.

He ran to his wife, his hands still bloodied, and held her tight as she cried, great racking sobs, while she struggled in his arms, trying to put him from her.

"Dear God, wash the stench of him off me!" she screamed, "I can still feel the weight of him and his filthy hands on me! My lips still taste of the vileness of him! I will never be clean again! I fainted away when he struck me, tell me that I am not raped, for I will die of the shame of it! Tell me he has not taken from me, that which only ever belonged to you!"

Trying desperately to calm her, he had to slap her already swollen face to silence her, so that she could hear him, holding her tight as she continued to scream. "Hush, hush my beautiful girl, listen to my words."

Then he raised what remained of her skirts and said gently, "My love, open your legs for me," and she looked at him, stunned through her tears, but she did as he asked and after he had looked, he held her dear face tight in his hands, as he told her, "My darling, your undergarments are undamaged, his filthy seed is on your clothing, but there has been no rape done here today. You are battered, but unsullied, and may God forgive me for leaving you!"

He wrapped her in one of the knitted blankets, carrying her back to the river, where he stripped her and gently washed her, starting with her swollen face and split lips, adding his own cries to hers, as he saw the teeth marks, scratches and bruises that the filthy wretch had left all over her body

"How will you ever love me again?" She sobbed, "Look at me, I am marked with his lust! Every time you look at me, you will remember! How will I bear it?"

"I will not hear this from you!" He cried, "You think that I would turn from you when you are wholly innocent in this? Dear God, do you think so little of me? I love you with every part of me, nothing will ever change that. You are as beautiful to me now as you have ever been, even standing before me with these wounds on your body! You will heal, and these feelings will pass, as sure as night follows day. My darling, you are stronger than you know, and our love for each other is even stronger. We will bear this together, and continue our journey, find a cure for you somehow and return to our children."

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