16. About time. Maybe.

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*Tap tap tappity tap*

Ugh. Who could possibly be knocking on my door at one in the morning.

Oh yeah, that's right. There is a small person in my house. Well, person even smaller then me.

I sat up abruptly and nudged Harry.

"Hazza. Can you please go get Lux?" my voice came out slurred and sleepy. Eugh, I need sleep.

"Hello?" I heard a voice call through the front door. I trudged over and swung it open.

"Umm. Hello." I said awkwardly. I really hated talking to people I didn't really know. It took me a week of awkwardness to be able to muck around with the boys without having Niall to lean on when I felt uncomfortable, or like I just didn't belong. I do tend to feel like that a lot.

"Hey rory. It is okay if I call you that right?" she asked.

Yay. She was slightly awkward as well. My confidence just boosted a tonne.

"Yeah, of course. Your names Lou right" I asked.

"Yeah. And thanks for offering to look after lux tonight." She paised when she saw my puzzled expression. "Let me guess. Plan E?"

That woman is a genius. "Yup, Harry explained it to me tonight. How did you know?"

She sighed. "It's amazing what the boys spill when they think your not listening" she said with a sly grin. "Just like one certain member said something about you-"

"Hey guys. How was your night Lou. And thanks for letting the other idiots borrow your baby." He shifted a still sleepy lux from his arms to lou.

"I had a great night Harry. And it was no problem. I just hope that it worked." She shot me a subtle wink. "Now back to sleep Harry. You can't get wrinkly on me. Say 'Buh bye' to uncle Harry Lux."

Lux rubbed her eyes with a chubby fist and gave him a little wave. "Beh Hally" she mumbled.

"Wait. Did she just say..." Harry said in shock.

"I believe she did. Well anyway. Back to bed, the both of you!" she said goodbye and walked back to her car with baby lux in her arms.

I like her.

Harry closed the door and sat back on the couch.

"Hey stupid face. I never thought I'd say this, but wanna put on a mushy movie or something. I really don't want nightmares again tonight. I am fine with zombies, just not in such graphic detail as I am going to sleep" I waddled over to the couch and sat on his lap.

"Im sorry Aura Rora bear. From now on, no zombie sleepy time movies." he offered me his hand.

"Deal." we shook on it and I slunk back down again. "Now please put on a gross sappy movie. I need something to laugh at." I rolled off of his lap and pushed him forward. "GO!"

"If you want something to laugh at, why are you picking a kissy movie?" Oh when will they learn my ways.

"Because in comedies, the person is SUPPOSED to be funny. In mush movies, they are just all stupid. You remember when we all watched twilight right?"

He started laughing and scanned the shelves. "I can't argue with your logic miss pond. Now How about A walk to remember. I've never seen it and doesn't it that have the chick from tangled in it?" he asked.

"Umm. I think so. Put it on!" I cheered him on as he fiddled with the disk and buttons. He was SOO tired.

"Come on Hazza. You need a nap." I patted the spot next to me and pressed play. I don't even remember how the remote ended up in my hand.

He bounced over and curled up in the same position he was in earlier. Laying down at the back of the couch.

I re-snuggled into his chest and the movie started.

"Well lux was a bit of a cutie." I stated.

"She said 'Hally'!" He squeaked. I could tell he had been holding that in for a while.

"I know! That was so cute. First words?" I asked. If thatwas her first word. I may die from over adorableness.

"I'm guessing it's one of them. It's the first thing I've heard her say that WASN'T gibberish." He declared proudly. I gave him a squeezy hug.

"That is so awesome!" I squealed. "You are really good with little kids by the way. I know that you're definitely better then me."

"I am not!" he argued.

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Harry. I have two sisters who can talk, and i have 17 cousins. One of which is Niall. You can't win this." I put it simply for him. Not too many big words for little Harry right now.

He ruffled his curls "Well i may not win by arguing. But I CAN just do this." oh no. He look mischievous.

"3..2..1!" With a big swing, he went to push me off the couch and into the cushions, but I grabbed onto him so he went down with me. Muahahaha.

"Dangit. Outsmarted yet again" He pretended to be disappointed. But he wasn't very good at acting. Sometimes.

"I'm always gonna beat you Bozo. You've got to get used to it!" I teased.

Oh no. He's looking mischievous again.

"Okay. I accept that you will beat me at everything..." he paused. "But you won't beat me to this."

Before I even had a chance to blink, he leant down and kissed me.


This is so weird.

Yet so normal.

What the hell am i doing.


Okay. Here's another stupidly short and badly written chapter.

I should probably start planning this story and stop writing it in the middle of the night... Nahh that's not gonna happen. I did try to upload last night, but it was being stupid.

But Anywho. They are finally together!... Maybe. I haven't decided yet. Am I an evil person?

Oh an I almost forgot... THANK YOU FOR THE 1000 reads. I know it's nothing compared to most of the other ones. But who cares, it's a red number :) And my story was number 319 in humour for a little while. That made me happy dance :p

Vote comment fan read and such for more. Y'all are my favorite people EVER.

au revoir :p xxMiki

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