Swept off my feet... Twice!

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We were all sitting around waiting for the sound. Just the one sound we had been looking forward to got three weeks. The sound of my mum pulling into our driveway.

All of us were sitting on the loungeroom rug in a circle around a deck of cards. Harry was to my left curled up in a fetal position with about twenty cards in his hand. Zayn was to my left sitting cross leggedwith only seven cards in his hand. Niall was across from me with a million cards in his hand and Louis was in between him and zayn with only eleven. Liam was off having afternoon snackage withdanielle at some fancy cafe.

"Hey guys!" Okay maybe not anymore. The door swung open revealing a grinning Liam Payne. He gave me a questionative glance after seeing our bizarre arrangement of cards. "umm. What are you playing?" he asked.

"Mao!" Louis yelled out. I shot him an evil grin and he froze. "Oh no."

"Haha! USING THE CHAIRMANS NAME IN VAIN, BIZ-MUFFIN." I yelled as I handed him five extra cards.

"Haha sucked in Louis!" Harry pointed at lou and sneered.

I turned to Curly and shot him a smirk before giving him a card. "Pointing" I clarified. He opened his mouth to protest but closed it again. Knowing I would just give him another card. Oh how i love this game.

"Four of spades!" I called as I put my card down.

"Two of spades!" zayn echoed.

"three of spades!"

"Jack of spades!"




"Bad play"

After about a half hour of watching the boys screw up Liam decided to rejoin us.

"Hey rory. When is your mum getting here?" Liam asked as he jumped into Zayns lap.

"Any second now!" I answered. I am buzzing. Like seriously, I haven't seen my family in eleven months. I know that because that is how old Imogen is and the last time I was in australia was when she was emerging into this world.

"I THINK I HEAR A CAR!" Niall yelled at the top of his lungs. Niall was just as excited ad me, he had never even seen Imogen.

We all jumped up and ran out into the massive front yard. An unfamiliar red four wheel drive was cruising towards us. Mummy's here! We allstartrd waving and shouting like crazy as she pulled into the driveway. Mum didn't even make it out before I was at her door.

"MUMMY YOU CAME TO LOVE ME!" I squealed gleefully before enveloping her in a hug.

"Hey Rah Rah. I love your place! It will be just perfect for your dayca-" I hushed her before she could finish.

"Yeah. I know. It's perfect. Now let me see my baby sisters!" I ran to the side door and shoved my way past Harry and Louis who were pressed up against the window making fces at Immy.

As soon as she saw me her huge dark brown eyes lit up and her small mouth broke into a gummy grin. Oh look she has a tooth now. She reached up to be picked as I unbuckled her.

"Hey gorgeous girl." I cooed.

"Gaaaooh!" I squeaked happily. She was one of the only babies I've ever heard actually say goo and gah.

"Can I hold her!?" Harry pleaded over my shoulder. I shifted her weight and she eagerly reached over to Harry. She was so light and tiny! Harry was always good with babies and little kids. I won't be surprised if he ends up with a million kids running around.

"RORY!" the other two girls charged towards me with arms open wide.

"Hi girlies!"

"me and Janie missed you so much!"

"Hey what about me?" Niall tore himself away from Harry and Imogens side.

"NINI!" the squeaked before running after him.

"GEEGEE AND MEEMEE!" he shouted back at them. Naw. Cousinly love is the best kind of love.

After many shouted hellos and violent bone crushing group hugs we all settled down for some dinner. Us ponds and directions love our grand welcoming gestures. We were all sitting on the couches or floor watching monsters Inc with our dinner in our laps. Sausages and mash all the way.

Wait. Someone was missing. I had assumed that he would just be a little bit late because he had to take a different car or something. But he still wasn't back.

"Mum. Where's dad?" I leaned over and whispererd in her ear.

She hesitated a bit before whispering "He had to stay behind for work" in my ear. Okay, I believe that dad is still working. He had a great job which he enjoyed and filled our pockets. But I don't understand why she was being so shifty.

"Psst Rory." Zayn had crawled up to my feet and was looking at me on the verge of puppy dog eyes. Oh no. "Can you please get me sone more." he whispered.

I sighed dramatically. No use fighting him. "Only because I love you." I teased. He jumped up and dragged me up with him.

"Come along pond." He scooped me up in his arms and carried me to the kitchen. Which I must say I am rather impressed about, you see I'm not one of those gorgeous petit princess who are effortlessly amazing like you read about in cheesy storys. I don't make guys jaws drop when I float past. Sure I'm short but I have a medical excuse. And I'm not a stick thin ballerina , I have the Horan metabolism but even that can't keep up with my eating habits so I had the right amount of meat on my bones and curves. My face and body wasn't that of a model, I wasn't a troll but I wasn't a goddess. My teeth weren't crooked, I was lucky to have straightish teeth, worn from years of consistent lolly eating, but they were uneven. My freckles were just everywhere and my nose has always annoyed me. But I must admit. I have always liked my eyes. They were wide and blue and always had a childish sparkle. My mother always said I have kind eyes. What the hell does that even mean.

"Now make me a sammich woman" Zayn joked as he set me down on the ground.

"Nope. And I don't like sitting maybe I'll stand up. Wait no, this is worse. I'll just lay down for a while. Make your self a sammich and wake me up when the movie is finished." I curled up in a ball as Zayn shuffled around me putting together a sammich. I really do have the attention span of a squirrel with ADH-oh look the toaster is shiny today.

"Psst Rory. Rory bear. Rora. Wake up." I opened my eyes and was met by the sparkling green orbs that could only belong to Harry styles. "wow. You must be tired." he joked in a hushed voice as he scooped my limp figure into his arms. "Let's get you to bed before the movie finishes Hey." he slowly carried me towards my bedroom. I could barely feel him move. Is he Edward Cullen. If he is that douchebag is never setting foot in my house ever again. wow that was a bad word. I MUST be tireder than I thought.

"Thanks Curly" I mumbled as he set me down in my matredd and pulled the covers up to my chin.

"Nighty night Rory bear."H e whispered before leaving the room to join the others.

I wonder why he did this. Why was he the one who noticed I had fallen asleep on the kitchen floor. I don't think I'll ever understand that boy. But I sure feel lucky to have him.


Hello everyone. I have decided to be much more optimistic and less windy in my authors notes. I am usually a very happy person. But anyway if you liked it vote. If you didn't like it vote. If you pity me and want to make me feel special than go through each chapter and refresh it a million times to make it look like I have fans and make fifty accounts to vote for me. But know. Either one would be fine :) oh and I'm thinking of changing the name to 'Daisy chains' because they are going to have a big part in the story :)

Toodleoo :)

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