13. Nialls new bestie

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Firstly I want to say sorry a gajillion times for being so late and small! I've had even more Internet problems and the mother of all writers block. :(

But I had a random thought today. This story is kind of like a little secret club. There is just a small group of readers who actually enjoy this story and so I love you all. We shall be called the Alpaca attackas and we will get T-shirts :p

On another note, has anyone picked up on any of my doctor who references?I'm a nerd through and through :) now quit reading me rant, read the chapter now :)

The (male)

curly ones POV

I hate the state of fuzzy confusion that follows waking up every morning. I both hate it and love it.

Now would be a good example. I woke up in lovely fluffy blankets and, thinking I was home, I turned to my left to look out the window. But there was no freaking window.

Then I realised that I was still at Rorys house so I turned On my side to see if Zayn was awake but he wasn't even there. I wondered why I couldn't hear him snoring.

Ugh way to much thinking before lunchtime.

The digital clock next to me read 5:00. WHY AM I AWAKE AT FIVE IN THE BLOODY MORNING.

Wait, everything's coming back now. Today is Thursday. My third last day staying here. And we had to help rory out at the pre school.

Man, sometimes I talk faster than my brain moves (But I don't even talk that slow).

I rolled out of bed and begrudgingly pulled on some clothes. Stupid clothing. If I was president of the world I would ban all clothing. Or at least all pants. Now THAT would be the perfect world.

I toddled down the hallway, past the kitchen and into the loungeroom where Rory was rewatching the second season of Chuck.

"Hey Rory Bear. Where is everyone?" I walked up behind her and leaned on the back of the couch.

She answered me without even taking get eyes of the screen. "Zayn , Lou, early morning interview. Liam family visit. Niall shower." All of her attention was obviously directed to the TV. But I don't blame her, I LOVE this show.

"Can I watch too!". Without waiting for an answer I just jumped over the back of the lounge and planted myself next to her

"Why thankyou Rory. I greatly appreciate your eagerness for me accompanying you" I teased.

She swatted my arm and tried to scowl "Boof head" she muttered. I see a smile!

I nudged her gently in the ribs. "Yknow you love me RoRo!"

"Of course I do Hazza. Now hush I like this bit."

She refocused her attention to the screen while I turned my attention to her. We had to leave in under an hour and she wasn't dressed yet.

But I really shouldn't be surprised by this anymore. If you googled 'low maintenance' you would just see pictures of rory.

Her dark hair was crazy and sticking out all over the place, she kind of reminded me of the chick from Brave. Her glasses were sitting crooked atop her nose and an old, battered and dog eared copy of 'Percy jackson and the last Olympian' lay open in her lap. (May I just add that it is VERY entertaining to watch Rory read).

She was kind of adorable.

"Hey guys!" Niall sauntered into the room, freshly showered with a towel draped of his shoulders. "Harry stop staring at my cousin. Rory I was told to tell you that Zayn and Lou-" I cut him off.

"Don't worry Blondie. I already told her."

Niall pouted dramatically. "Well FIIIINE. I'm obviously not appreciated. I shall just sit there silently and text my NEW best friend... Paul." he spun on his heel and all but threw himself at the other couch.

I turned to rory just to see if she felt the same way I did.

Yup, judging by that face and the fist stuffed in her mouth, I'm guessing she is trying hard not to burst out laughing.

I was about to lean over and whisper something in her ear when Nialls phone rang.

"Oh hey Paul. I was just about to text you...

No that's not wierd...

Yeah. You are my NEW best friend!" he shot me and rory a pointed look.

"No that's not wierd either...

No I most certainly am NOT drunk...

Pond and styles were just being stupid...

Fine then. DONT be my best friend! I don't even care...

You are already Zayns best friend!?...

No I don't care if he called dibs!"

I zoned him out and edged closer to rory. I half watched chuck blow up Caseys car and half listened to Niall and Paul bickering like an old married couple for another five minutes.

"Fine fine let's call a truce. Our best friend privileges are split. I am the house sitting and talking via text kind of best friend. Zayn is car borrowing, facebook messaging friend. DEAL?...

Good. Now when about are yeh getting here. RoRo can't be late for work...

Alright. Bye P-Man...

Too soon? Okay. Bye!" he hung up and reinforced his silent treatment.

I gave Rora a 'Just go with it' look.

"Hey Rora. I don't get why people in movies don't guess that the other person is a spy, I mean, before they arrive a load of people are mysteriously whisked away with lottery winnings and really strange circumstances and then someone just so happens to turn up at that EXCACT time." i stopped my rant and winked at her. Tag you're it.

"Yeah I know right! An then later on they always go on magical, mysterious holidays and come back with completely unrelated injuries." She grinned at me. I'm it again.

"So Aura Rora pumpkin pie. Do YOU know anyone like that?"

"Actually yes. I do! Tabby at work, the new girl!" her face turned serious. "TABBY IS A SPY!" She exclaimed, causing even Niall to turn around and grin.

I heard a car pulling up out the front. I wonder if that's Paul.

Niall stopped chuckling for just long enough to croak out that Paul was here.

Rory jumped out of her seat. "CRAP!" she bolted to her room and locked the door behind her.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Aurora pond. Queen of procrastination" Niall commentated.

"DON'T CALL ME AURORA!" I heard her scream from her bedroom. Holy crap how did she hear that.

Niall mussed up his hair, grabbed his hoodie and made his way to Rorys car. I had really wanted to take my car but Nooo, my car causes to much 'attention'. Well so does being stalked by a black van!

She joined us in the front yard about three minutes later, fully dressed and ready to go. HOW does she do it!

She handed me her keys and we piled into her car.

I get to drive! Nerne nerne ner ner.

Immaturity thy name is Harry styles.

Now off to the daycare!

I'm Nialls cousin. No big deal. Right?Where stories live. Discover now