Sing along blog

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Err hey guys. Remember me? I'm the one guy everyone hates because she takes forever to upload? Yup, that's me.

And sadly because my phone is, for lack of more civilized words, a price of shit. I can't reply to messages -_-

But Thank you for putting up with me and such. I wub chu more than words can express... So yeah don't leave. I need friends.

Oh and psssst. Get tumblr!

When I woke up again hours later, it was not as graceful as before, nor did it end with me nearly making out with Harry before my bloody head ache nearly mad me pass out. This time though I felt a new kind of sick.

Soup is always a good idea at the time. But I always regretted later.

I tried to wiggle myself out of his arms while moving as little as possible. That really didn't work well. I stumbled to the bathroom down the hall and curled up next to the toilet. What a charming place. I rested my head on my knees, trying to make it stop spinning. I could feel my insides churning and something rising up. Oh no, our good friend mister soup is making a reappearance.

I opened the lid and leant over the bowl, trying not to think about what usually goes in it.

I sat like that for about five minutes, half my stomach having already left me for the all majestic toilet bowl.

And honestly, I felt like shit.

"Hey rory. You in here?" I kept staring forward as I heard the door creak open. I don't trust myself moving my head from this exact position. I've already lost half my stomach. I still want some left.

"Holy shit Rory are you okay?" I could feel him hovering over my shoulder, his hand rubbing my back.

"Peachy" Really brain, you have the capacity to be sarcastic but not to make me feel better. Stupid brain.

"You should really go to the doctors or something." Harry said, completely ignoring my last comment in which I stated I was fine.

I sat myself up again, leaning on my shaking arm. "s'okay. It'll pass"

He wrapped his arm around me. Obviously trying in his awkward way to comfort me, though he did make and effort to keep me facing away from his new shirt. Typical boy.

Two hours, a bubble bath and five tonnes of mouthwash later I was back in my bundle on the couch. I had gone back to heavily relying on my notepad to communicate as my voice was just coming in waves as it pleased.

Did I mention I hate being sick?

"umm. So you're sure you feel okay. Not gonna blow up or anything?" He still sounded a bit awkward as if he wasn't sure how close he could get without becoming infected.

I sighed and wrote in large blue letters 'Im fine you doof head. Just a bit icky' I held the sign up high for dramatic effect, hoping to emphasize the fact that I wasn't dying and was in fact rather healthy.

His nose scrunched as he read my untidy scrawl. "well I'll take your word for it. Now, what movie next?" he reached down and picked three movies from the all-glorious-stack-of-movies.

Hmm. Mean girls, aladdin or doctor horribles sing along blog?

I pointed frantically at doctor horrible and triumphantly sunk back into my nest.

I really do love this movie.

Harry hopped over, popped it in the player and came back and sat in his spot at my feet.

For the next hour or so he was enthralled in the missadventures of the lovely doctor horrible while I sat back and examined him. I already knew this movie off by heart. Him however I haven't quite figured out.

I'm pretty sure I like the idiot. Like 79/84% that I do. In fact, I'm willing to bet three camels on that. I mean, what's not to like! He's got the full package (plus a rather large package if you know what I mea- WHAT WHO SAID THAT), he was a total sweetheart who happily spends his time nursing me to health and playing with children, he's just amazing talented at everything without even having to try and he's actually a bit gorgeous. You know. Just a tad. He has the messy curls that, if left untreated with numerous bottles of hair product, are just crazy and stick up every which way, he is a freakishly tall and well built human being so he is enjoyable to cuddle and I've always had a thing for eyes, and one does not simply avoid falling in love with gorgeous green eyes. It's a scientific fact, I read it on the Internet once.

I watched him hum under his breath during the songs, laugh in all the right places and cry out in anguish at the ending.


Ahh yes. The pain of a newbie. Oh I miss this sight.

I quickly wrote 'I know I know big guy. Let it out. Well get through this'.

Why doesn't sarcasm have a font? OBAMA!

His eyes widened,"why would you make me watch this movie I HATE this movie. How could they do that!"

And even though he claimed to despise it, I definitely caught him singing the songs on several different occasions.

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