7. To make a daisy chain.

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The week passed in a blur. A happy loud colorful ,full of food fights and dog piles, blur. The week they were away however did not. Let's just say I spent five days rolling around on the carpet singing songs from Dora. Man, imagine when the boys actually go home. They only stayed with me for six solid weeks a year. (I managed to convince their manager that they needed 'time to come back down to earth.' so I was basically the one that kept them grounded.) And even then they are always leaving for photo shoots and interviews. But oh well, they're back now. Well technically they got back yesterday. But anyway. Right now they were all still in bed and my family is due any day now. So being the hardworking, non-procastinating person I am. I decided to clean the backyard. That and the inside of the house was a warzone.

My brownish curls were twisted up into a knot on top of head. It was my signature style, since I do it whenever I can't be bothered brushing my hair. And my contacts lay forgotten on my bathroom counter so I was wearing my geeky glasses.

I skipped down the hall and made my way to the backyard. I looked around and took it all in... It was TRASHED. There were chairs strewn across the long grass and sauce stains on the tiles surrounding the pool (Don't ask). Oh and don't forget the rubber duckies, spatulas, whisks and ladles everywhere. I need to control my boys.

Yeah so I've been cleaning for about... Ten minutes? I have done NOTHING. Oh but I am working on the worlds largest daisy chain. Who says procrastinating doesn't pay off? Well, maybe I'll just hire a maid or cleaner person. I'll make the boys pay of course, it may be my house but it's their junkyard.

"Oi Rory. You out here?" I spun around to see the grinning face of a (Thankfully fully clothed) Harry styles.

"Hey curly bear. Why you up? I thought everyone was still sleeping off the after effects of our milkshake competition last night."

"Yeah they are. And well, I just woke up and now I'm bored so that's

why I found you." He gaze shifted to the daisy chain in my hand which was about two inches long. "Can I help!" he pleaded. How can I resist those dimples.

I called out a Yes and he bounced over. Tigger style. Man I haven't seen Winnie the pooh in years!

"How do you make daisychains?"

"You have never made a daisy chain before. You poor neglected child. I mist teach you the ways of the daisy chain." He eagerly took a seat to my right.

"Okay. You take the stem and you cut a hole and thread the flower through it."

"I GOT IT... FINALLY" Harry exclaimed as he bounced up and down next to me. About time he got it, we've been out here for an hour.

"Good job Haz!" I let out a giggle and collapsed onto the plush, slightly overgrown, grass. Looking up and the clouds with the daisies in my hand.

"Yknow what. I really like Daisy chains" he sighed as he collapsed next to me.

"Same. Yknow what," I mocked him playfully "when I get a boyfriend. In about a million years that is, and he proposes, again, Never going to happen. Stuff rings and all the other cheese covered corny stuff. A would be fine with..." I paused for dramatic effect and held the chain above my head. "A DAISY CHAIN!"

Harry laughed his amazing laugh. Wait. Why did I say 'amazing laugh'? "All right. I promise to tell that to your future husband."

"Pinkie promise" I held out my pinkie and he nodded.

He tied his chain and put it on my head like a crown."pinkie promise."

Harrys POV##

Okay. I'm going to say this once and ONLY once. I may kind of have a tiny crush on Rory. But it's only a small iddy biddy crush. I swear! And I may have woken up super early just to see her. But i will never admit it to her. Or anyone els for that matter. Same as how I won't admit that I actually did know how to make daisy chains, I just wanted to spend more time with her. Oh crap what's happening to me.

She held the delicate chain above her head and exclaimed. "...A DAISY CHAIN!" I laughed at her crazy antics. She was a strange girl. But I liked that. Wait, NO I DON'T!

"All right. I promise to tell that to your future husband." If he is good enough for you. Or I'll just tell him to shove his ring up his ar-

"Pinkie promise?" She held out her pinkie childishly and bit her lip. How is she so adorable without even knowing it. Struck speechless I just nodded and placed the crown of flowers on top of her crazy hair. Holy -nuggets you are kidding me! I'm turning into a cheesy lovey dovey mush-ball.

"Promise" I said as I wrapped my pinkie around her small one.

Oh who cares. I've fallen. I fell a while ago. I don't know when or how. I just know that I've fallen hard.


Well hello there. Here is another chapter. Sorry if I'm wasting your time with my horribly written story. This is kind of my venting place of all my boredom and mushiness. But anyway, do you ship Rory and Harry :)

Bye :)

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