1. Wow you're a genius Louis.

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Alrighty then. This is my first attempt at a fanfic. i dont know why im writing it though...i just have too much time on my hands..Gah I hate auto correct. It doesn't accept bromance or fanfic. Strange, I know. Well anyway this was written on my iPod so I can't really tell how long or short it is :) any feedback is good coz I can go back and fix up any dodgy bits.Enjoy :)


Beep beep beep.

Eugh. What is that little noise.

Beep beep beep.

If I hear it one more time the little noise will die.

Beep beep beep.

Little noise better stop if it knows what's good for it.

Beep beep.

I rubbed my sleepy eyes and turned over to meet the source of the dreaded beeping. Grr it's my alarm clock again.

"Mr Bleepy, if you continue acting in this manner then we will have problems" I hissed at my alarm clock. We had a very love hate relationship. Well mostly hate on my part.

I groped around on my bedside table for my glasses and smashed the onto my nose ( Owww, that was not a good idea). After recovering from my injury I actually looked at my alarm clock 7:30. Well I better get up before the boys do.

"Im awfully sorry bed but I must leave you now. No it's not you, it's me. Mr bleepy has been fighting for my affection for so long. So now. I must leave." With a dramatic leap I hopped out of bed and raced down the stairs. I learnt the hard way that no matter what ungodly hour Mr Bleepy tried to wake me up I HAD to obey him. Oh and I had to run out of the room before I was tempted to go back to bed, just in case.

Stupid houseguests and their inability to not destroy the house if left unsupervised for more than a minute. But I loved them anyways.

I snuck into the loungeroom and breathed I sigh of relief. No one was awake yet.. FREEDOM!. It was my first time alone in a week. Now was my chance. My big moment. I could do anything. I could watch whatever cringeworthy chick flick I wanted or paint my nails or do my hair. The possibilities were endless! I danced over to the ps3 and put in COD 4. Yeah. This is why I dont have many friends of the girl kind. I grabbed my controller and plonked myself down on the plush couch. I never played this in front of the boys because it was embarrassing how awful I was. Or at least i think im awful, i cant actually say because I've never seriously played against someone. I selected my user and commenced gaming.

"C'mon mate don't do that! Argh grenade! BACK BACK BACK. WHY ARENG YOU WORKING YOU STUPID REMOTE!?" I had only been playing for roughly five minutes but I was into it. I must of looked crazy in my black singlet, fuzzy pajama shorts (Dont judge. It's comfy),long socks (Again dont judge. I'm cold and it's a bloody English winter) and geeky glasses screaming at a video game. Oh well I was a queer child.

"Rory?" I heard a groggy voice whisper from the lounge across the room Ahh it was the legendary-

"Mornin Lou. Watchu doin up so early?" Oops. I forgot he crashed on the couch after a movie marathon with Liam. Liam just was smart enough to go to his own bed. Sucks to be Lou.

"Well I thought I could hear a woman being murdered by a unicorn so I woke up so I could rescue her with my superhuman abilities. But It turns out that if was only just a mad girl with COD" He flashed me a grin and jumped onto the couch next to me.

"Can I play!!!" He looked at me with his big puppy dog eyes

"Naww. I'm going to let your previous remark go. But ONLY because it's impossible to refuse that face."

I'm Nialls cousin. No big deal. Right?Where stories live. Discover now