11. One does not simply resist the CURLINATOR!

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"You WHAT!?"

I adjusted the phone in my hand against my ear. "I freaked out and pulled away" I reexplained in a hushed voice with a sigh. It was four in the morning and I had spent roughly an hour trying to retell the events that occurred an hour or two ago to Harry Girl (who surprisingly didn't mind being woken up at ungodly hours in the morning.) and she was taking it surprisingly well.

"WHY THE HECK WOULD YOU DO THAT! HES HARRY FREAKING STYLES, ONE DOES NOT SIMPLY RESIST THE CURLINATOR!" She raged. (well her version of raging. It sounded more like snow white telling a butterfly not to eat the ladybugs leaf) As I said, she was taking this better than I thought she would.

"Harry G. He's a flirt. He's not a user or a player or even a womanizing man-whore. But he is still an unintentionally big flirt. This may sound like such an immature little schoolgirl thing, but I want my first boyfriend to be my last. I don't just want a chain of boys who have broken my heart akay" Wow, I am being so deep this morning.

"How do you know he won't be your last?" she asked.

"Well. I don't know. He's just... Harry. Hes always talking about how he would like something more serious than a one week fling, but with anyone but me." I sneaked a glance at the head of curls near my feet. Fast asleep.

"But how would you know that rory. How do you know. Did he or did he not heroically come to your rescue when you were trapped in the viscous wildness!?"

"First, he didn't heroically rescue me. Second, it was about two meters away from my back door. And thirdly, he was only doing a friendly favor"

"And has he not," she continued, blatantly ignoring my protests "supported your every crazy plan. Even those of which your cousin, hyperActive man-child you some how know, spoon fearing teddy bear spash puppy and aquatically impaired friend with fabulous hair all refused to support."

"Yes but curl comparing doesn't count as a crazy plan and they were already excluded when they decided to grow un curly hair!" I exclaimed. Will she ever admit defeat!

"Just admit it Rory. It doesn't have to be to me. But please admit it to yourself" I could almost see HarryG scuffing the ground with the toe of her shoe and shaking her head in defeat.

"All right Harriet. When there Is something to admit. I shall admit it. Now I should probably go to sleep, mum and the Girly pies are leaving tommorrow."

"OOO I ALMOST FORGOT" She squealed. "Jaz got offered a new fancy job in Bristol, Tawni got given a scratchy card thing and won a LOT so she is moving back to her family in Venice and Annaliese's boyfriend proposed so she is taking time off to plan the wedding and sort everything out."

"So it's just us two?"

"No, this new girl arrived today. GREAT timing. Her names Tabby Crooke. She's nice, you'll like her"

"Alright. I'm looking forward to meeting her tommorrow. Bye bye Harry girl!"

"Toodles sweetie. Have a nice sleep!" I heard her cut the call and I flopped back onto the carpet. It's gonna be a big forty eight hours.

I reached over to where the blankets had previously been but they weren't there anymore. It's Toby! (Aargh I hated paranormal activity) I turned on my side and saw Harry grasping my duvet in his arms.

I gently nudged his arm. "Psst. Harry. Can I please have my blanket?"

He smiled sleepily yet cheekily. "You'll have to get in" he mumbled half asleep ,his eyes still not opening. He opened his arms making room for me to shuffle in.

I just sighed and wrapped myself in his comfy blanket wrapped arms. Its wierd, I was involuntarily wrapped in a guys arms and I was half asleep. Yet I still couldn't wipe the grin off of my face. Maybe I may have to admit something. Even if it is just to myself.

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