12. The devious schemeing and the backstory

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*That night at the 'One direction minus the curly one' meeting*

"Alright lads. I now call this meeting to startingness!" Louis stood at the foot of his bed while the other three boys sat on his slightly ruffled blankets.

The boys were all stimutaniously thinking the exact same thing. 'Startingness isn't a word!'. But they knew not to question the Tommo.

He continued "the plan to get the curlies together is actually not failing. But that doesn't change the fact that we only have a few days left with her"

Liam stood up and joined him. "Step one-get rory to London worked well. Sort of. Step two- Convincing Rory to let us spend extended amount of time with her. That went very well. Step two part a- Subtely hint for them (the curlies as we shall call them) to spend extra time together. They were surprisingly eager. Step two par-"

Zayn cut him off. "Mate, too many letters. Just say it in Englandese please!"

Liam blushed a slight shade if pink. "It's Louis fault. Anyway, pretty much everything has worked well. Last night we did a good job of setting them up. Nice job thinking of slipping energy drinks and coffee into their orange juice They both stayed up very late and I found them both sleep-spooning this morning!"

"Lads." Louis interupted. "Operation 'Get-the-curly-haired-people-to-fall-in-love-and-get-married-and-produce-numerous-curly-haired-offspring' is actually working!" The boys all cheered silently as Harry and rory were still in the same house. Liam jumped back onto Zayns lap and Louis bellyflopped onto the crinkled covers next to Niall.

"This is so wierd. I'm actually trying to set my cousin -who is pretty much my sister- up with my best friend"

Louis smirked. "I thought I was your best friend." he teased.

"No Barney. Ted is his best friend." Zayn retorted.

"For understanding the reference I request the highest of fives." Lou raised his hand in the air and Zayn smacked it with a 'WOOP'.

Louis face turned back to stone. "Now let's keep planning. Niall, what is one of Rorys biggest weaknesses?"

They all turned to Niall who cocked his eyebrow.

"I'm gonna call Lou. Lux is having a sleepover."

They were going to do this. No matter what it took.


Okway. This is just a short little chapter to fill in this giant gap I've had between chapters. I'm sorreh I've just been bussyyyy! And while I am here with an incredibly short chapter I might as well explain what the hell is happening with this story because I am just as confused as you :)

Pretty much there is a girl called rory. Short, blue eyes, brown curly hair and glasses. Her cousin is Niall horan. You should know about him. Rory and Niall and Zayn convinced Rorys parents to let her move to London to pursue her dream of running a home daycare or something like that. They finally gave in under the promise that the boys keep and eye on her.

Later on rory and louis thought of the brilliant idea of them crashing at her house for six weeks while they were still in the UK. So instead of staying at their own places they use her place as a base.

Ever since they met, Harry and rory had been extra friendly. But not in an over the top way. Just a three second longer hug. So the boys have been planning to get them together via the means of elaborate schemes :)

Well there you go!

Toodle pip xxMiki

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