5. Why do mangos even exist?

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Harrys POV

You know what I don't understand.


I mean, what is with them. They are just like weird large avocados that people like for some reason. But I've never understood why. And what is with the bloody seed in the middle. Why does it exist. What does it mean. What are it's goals in life. I really don't know. It's just a glob of orange mush with a football in the middle. Oh great now I'm craving a mango boost juice. And I don't even LIKE mango juices.

"Harry. Are you still alive in there?" I looked up to meet the slightly creepy face of Louis. Just a slight invasion of my personal bubble. Oh crap I wonder how long I've been sitting like this for...

"Louis. Do you understand mangos?" I blurted out. It may sound stupid but I am genuinely curious.

After a brief second of contemplation he shook his head.

"Not really. No."

"Hmm Yeah. I don't get them either." I scanned the room. Nope. Rory hasn't turned up yet. But I think Niall grew an inch during the time it took me to mentally discuss the relevance of mangos and WOW I'm sounding smart today. I think I may have swallowed a dictionary. Or I is a smart cookie. Actually no the dictionary seems more possible.

"Wheres Rory. It's like 10. She should be awake by now." How do I know that she should be awake by now you ask. Pft, I don't study her sleeping habits at all... Well not every night at least. Wow that made me seem creepy. I just meant that I usually notice when she's bouncing around the house. I don't stalkerishly peer through her curtains with binoculars while she sleeps. Unless it's a Tuesday.

"Eh I don't know." Niall said before shoving another handful of chips into his mouth. I can smell the salt and vinegar. Mmm. Salt and vinegar. Reminds me of the time I tried to make an egg bounce by-

"Mate you feeling okay?" Liam was looking at me like I was an alien. A sexy alien.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Youre zoning out a lot. Well more than usual."

"Whatever. I'm just mentally rambling a lot today." Quick. Change the subject. "I'll go find Rory" Awkward-conversation-about-what-goes-on-in-my-brain averted. You've done good Hasselhoff. You've done good. Teehee spongebob humor. Yeah maybe I should get checked by the special doctor.

Knock knock knock.

"Rory. Waky waky. Or um if you're already awake then just well open the door?" I pleaded.

"Go away. I am trying to find the meaning of life and the key to world peace. And so far the number forty two ain't cutting it." Yep. She's awake.

"I'm opening the door. If you're not erring clothes. Then hide." I warned before i swung open the door.

Why is rory curled up in a ball on the floor?

"Umm. Rory? You okay?" I slowly inched closer. I am seriously worried that she is going to like implode or something at any moment now. Hehe what a cool way to die. 'Death by IMPLOSION!!'

"No. And I'm not a lion. I won't bite. I only bite on Tuesday's. And it's not a Tuesday today. Is it?" Holy shiz-nuggets we must be twins.

"But what's up? Did you forget where you hid Louis' keys again? I think you and Zayn hid them behind the-"

"No it's not that. I KNOW where me and Zed hid them. Behind the extra shampoo bottles in the cupboard. But anyway. It's not that." She took a deep breath."Iforgottwoofmymajorassignmentsthatarebothdueintwodays." Okay maybe we aren't twins after all.

"Rory I did not hear a word of that. It sounded like you were trying to rap again. Say it slower."

"Hey guys. Rory why are you still in here?" Liams head popped through the door as he announced his arrival.

"I have no idea. She's about to tell me." Liam opened his mouth to add something. "And before you ask it's not about the car keys."

"Oh okay then. And Rory you and Zayn need better hiding spots. I re-hid them for you. They are now I'm the plant next to the front door." I am so proud of Liam right now.

"Thanks Liam. But ANYWAY. I kinda had-"

"Vas happenin Rory Are you still alive? And no, I really couldn't care less about you two." Wow. Feeling the love Zayn. Feeling the love.

"Heyyo Zayn. Can someone give me a piggy back?" Rory was desperately trying to change the subject.

"No. Now tell us. Or I'll umm... Burn your stuffed llama!" Rory looked mildly horrified. Haha. Four for you Liam Payne you GO Liam Payne.

"FINE. I may have had two pretty big assignments due and I kind of forgot to do them and I don't have any room for mum, dad, Janie, Mai and Imogen. And I have to clean up before that get and AND I have to entertain you guys. I'm gonna go mental." She paused for a breath. Dayum that girl can talk. But then again isnt that what all girls are good at? "Oh and Liam if they put me in a loony bin can you make sure that they have good food."

"Rory you crazy child. Why'd you leave it to last minute. That's what I used to do an look at me now." Louis teased.

"So if I don't do homework I'll get unbelievably rich and famous!" She shot back sarcastically. Tommo. Get your palm... And introduce it to your face.

"But seriously Ror. You really shouldn't have left it." Cue Daddy directions wise advice input.

Rory buried her face in her hands. "I know. I've just been really busy a-and... Oh I don't know."

"How's about me and Zayn help since we are the only ones with an IQ." Liam offered.

Rory observed the expression on mine and Louis' faces. "Liam. You better run now." She advised. She is a smart girl. I gave Lou a look and on his signal we pounced.

"GAH OKAY OKAY!! We can ALL HELP RORY WITH HER ASSIGNMENTS!" He screamed over the sound of mine and Louis' war cries.

I never thought I'd see the day when me and Lou fought over the rights to do someone else's homework.

Alrighty. Sorry I haven't been able to upload it's just I've been very busy and I have four assignments due two weeks ago. Or was it three weeks ago. I dunno. I'll figure it out. But the sad thing is that I'm not kidding either.

I talk to much. I'm going to try and stop these awful authors notes because they are annoying. Oh and did you like my attempt at the world inside Harry Styles brain :)

Well much love and pixie dust. See y'all in a bit :)

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