6. Just a bit destracted.

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Liams POV

We were all sitting around the loungeroom trying to help Rory with her homework. But so far it was TOO HARD! I mean come on, who uses this in real life?

"Rory why the HELL are you studying this? Will you EVER need it in real life." I stared back at the screen in front of me. Lou was right. It was all gibberish!

"Because Liam. Well. I kind of maybe want to a tiny bit run a home daycare and it helps if I take these courses. Even though I vowed to never again do anything that required homework. Now anyone up for a break. We've been working for ages." She didn't have to ask twice. Before she even finished her sentence we were all up and running to the pool. Who cares if it's cold. We just hang around the edges. The pool area is pretty. Wow that was a manly thing to say.

But as I was about to chase after the boys I realised that Rory hadn't moved.

"Need some help Rory?" I offered.

She looked up from her laptop. "Nah. I think I'm fine for now. But thanks a heap Lili. You are my new favorite person ever." She replied cheerfully.

"Hey, before i forget. Do you really want to start a home daycare." She turned a bright shade of pink and nodded. "That is awesome. Ooh Ohh and we can help as well! And we can casualty slip it into conversations." I am having a stroke of pure genius.

"Are you serious!" I nodded. Her grin grew. "Thanks a billion and three Lee!" She jumped up and pulled me into a hug.

"Anytime Ror. Now let's go out to the pool."

"Yeah. I'm in the mood for pushing someone in a pool. Maybe Lou." She thought out loud. Should I warn louis. Nah.


Rorys POV

"Aand we are FINISHED!" I Pressed save and jumped off of the couch as the boys let out a massive cheer and applause. It was four in the morning and we were all wrecks, the boys all had bags under their eyes and my curls were everywhere. Oh and we had been up all night trying to finish the stupid assignments since we had gotten slightly distracted yesterday. An by that I mean a ten minute break turned into a ten hour break and us going out to maccas for dinner. Oops?

"And we still have five hours to spare. Good job lads!"Niall announced and jumped up to join me in my happy dance. See, this Is why we can stand each other after spending so long together.

"NO MORE WORK!" Louis cheered and the boys all jumped up and danced with us. Man you've gotta love these boys.

After five minutes of dancing the obnoxious sound of Zayns phone rang through the room. Who the hell would be calling at four in the morning?!

"Excuse me lads... And other." Oh real nice Zayny boy.

Liam nudged me and whispered. "Ten bucks says it's Perrie."

"Twenty bucks says shes asking to come over." I challenged him. I really hope it's Perrie asking to come over. I think she would have to be my favorite of the girlfriends. Just don't tell Dani. Oh and I guess El is included now.

He mulled it over for a second before nodding. "Done." He offered me his hand and we shook on it. Yes, I'm about to make myself twenty bucks. Hopefully.

"Hey Rory" Zayn burst through the door still clutching his phone. I felt Liam tense next to me. This was it. "Is it alright if Perrie comes over?" He asked.

I put on my biggest cheesiest grin. "Why yes it is Zayn. It is perfectly okay for Perrie to visit." he nodded his thanks and left the room.


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