2. It's frolicking time.

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I collapsed onto my bed without bothering to change. It had been a long day. The boys and I had decided to have a onesie day and tour London. Louis being the special child he is refused to unzip his so Liam had to lead him around while the rest of us laughed at his stupidity, oh and when Liam lead him into poles. But he bought me a new microwave to make up for this morning so he's back in my good books. Kinda.

I slipped off my glasses and put them on my bedside table next to mr Bleepy.

"Mr Bleepy. Please be kind tomorrow"I mumbled as I tucked myself in. I started thinking about my day, it usually helped me sleep. But no matter what I did I kept going back to Louis little announcement during Mario kart. Were him and Eleanor really dating, I don't know why but that kind of bugged me. I mean I love El and Lou but I hope that El can get used to all the crap that comes with being around one direction. It took me a while but it doesn't bother me much. Not many people really know that I exist really. I buried my face in my pillow and drifted off to sleepy land.

"Pst. Rora. Rory wake up" I rolled over and met the icy blue eyes of the one and only Niall horan. I hate him so much right now.

"Niall. Go. Away." I hissed and rolled back over

"Seriously rory.-"

"Before you continue. Bare in mind that I had a big day yesterday and I am tired as hell. Any further attempts to wake me may result in murder" I muttered. But it probably came out as 'flimshermepher!'.

"Rory the jelly bugs are going to eat me" He whispered. Oh that's just mean. I can't refuse him now.

"Alright get in" I patted the bed next to me. "What's up?" I asked sleepily.

"Liam started snoring. It's right in my ear" He winged "But I am surprised that you remember the jelly bugs" I let out a chuckle

"Yeah. Greg is a meanie. I couldn't sleep in my own room for weeks!" When I was younger we used to visit Ireland every holiday. When me and Niall were seven, his brother convinced us that there were creatures called jelly bugs that would eat small children. For the rest of my stay every night me and Niall would sneak into each others rooms because we were too scared to sleep alone. But as we got older we started using them as a way to tell each other that something was bothering us. That's part of the reason me and Niall have been so close. But we haven't really talked properly in ages. Not like we used to at least.

"Night night rory" Niall said cheerfully.

"Shut up Ni" I muttered before losing consciousness.

"Is she awake?"

"Should we wake her?"



I was woken by the sound of people whispering. Oh, if the dare-

"STACKS ON RORY!" I hear Louis shout. One day he will be murdered and I will do nothing to stop it.

"Boys. Get off me now if you plan to reproduce in the future or survive the rest of your stay." The lads were smart, they knew that NOTHING was beneath me.

"But it's time to wake up Rory!" Harry shouted in my ear. Yeouch the boys were right, be DID have the loudest voice.

I reluctantly opened my eyes and saw all five boys with grins lighting up their faces, still lying on me. They shall die now.

"Lads what time is it. I'm buggered" I groaned. It better be after lunch or heads will roll. Yeah I'm a very violent morning person. (I'm usually a very happy, childish person). But Its been worse since Liam taught me his death lock head lock, now everyone was usually to afraid to go within arm reach of me before noon.

"It's six thirtyyyy..." He double checked the time. "six!" Liam yelled at me

"Firstly, why did you wake me up at six thirty in the morning. And secondly, why did you think it was a good Idea to JUMP on me?" I yelled back at them.

There was an awkward silence before superlouis spoke up. "Well we were going to sing the wake up song...but we kinda forgot the words"

"why did you have to wake me up."

"Well we got bored so-"

"what about the coloring books you bought yesterday." I butt in.


"I did the best though. Not one bit out if the lines" Liam proclaimed proudly. They are such children, the sad thing is that he's the most mature.

"Yeah but my Kitty was WAY better than your Buzz" Harry responded playfully.

"Children children. They were all special in their special ways. It is my final call as I am...VAS HAPPENING MAN!" Zayne put on his, well...special accent so it was automatically funny. The boys all broke into a fit if giggles. (manly giggles as they always correct me) and rolled off of my bed. Zayn has been very 'Vas happenin'-y lately. I don't think I even want to know why.

"I CAN BREATHE AGAIN!" I exclaimed. About time. Those boys need to lay off the Nandos and Maccas.

"As Louis was saying before he was so rudely interrupted. We got bored so we decided to do something!" It is amazing. It's not even seven in the morning and Nialls already bouncing around like an energizer bunny on a caffeine rush. "What did you decide to do?" the boys just grinned at me. Oh no. I knew those grins. This will not end well.

"THE BEACH" They all yelled. I glanced out the window and saw the storm clouds on the horizon and the general grayness of the sky. Hell no.


"It's fun!" Niall explained. I shifted my gaze to Zayne.

"When it's cold there's like noone there so we'd have it ALL TO OURSELVES"

'Baby all to ourseeeeelves' the boys all sung under their breath.I bit back a smile. Strange minds think alike.

"Louis. What's your excuse."

"It's been too long since we last frolicked." Yup. He's normal.

Mr sensible (Or as some people called him. I however disagree) spoke up "We haven't been in AGES! And the lads need to get out of the house...Again"

"Girls in bikinis" We all turned to look at Harry. "No I'm KIDDING! I agree with all of them. So basically we need to like get out of the house because the beach is fun when it's cold and like we need our frolicking time."

"Say it sista!" Louis. I worry about you.

"Alrighty then. Get your stuff ready and then let's lego!" That was when I noticed what they were wearing. Boardies and Tshirts. "Are you kidding me. It's like six in the morning and you are dressed for the beach." Those boys never cease to amaze me.

Louis rolled his eyes and pointed to my bathroom. "As we said. We are bored. Now get ready woman!"


This is a really short chapter sorry :) I had it all written in my notebook but when I went to copy it out the page had been ripped out. I may need to clean my room, it is starting to eat my belongings. Oh well. Feel free to comment and vote. It makes me smile :) bye!

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