3. Nerfing just got serious.

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The boys all raced out on nialls command to let me get ready. As soon as the door swung shut I reached under the bed, grabbed a bag and began the treasure hunt to find my stuff. Sunscreen ,thongs (or flip flops or whatever they are called) a couple of nerf guns and a cap. I grabbed a pair of small boardies out of my drawer and picked out a random pair of swimmers. I don't think they even matched. Yes. I am a very stylish person. I grabbed my glasses and changed into my shorts and an old Tshirt to swim in, in record timing and sprinted out to meet the boys.

"Wow that was fast for a girl" Liam observed.

I just grinned up at him. "Im not exactly an average girl am I." I teased

"Well you are the only person who can smash us at video games." Zayne concluded. The boys all nodded thoughtfully. "But then again you haven't gone up against us at pokemon!"

I really hope they don't follow up on that. To he honest, Mario kart and apparently COD are the only games I'm good at. Quick. Subject change time.

"Alrighty. Whose in my car?" I turned to face my little black car. I had an old yellow one for a while but whenever we walked outside I'd get a dead arm. I really hate the person who invented spoto. Unless I was winning. Then I loved them.

"So basically I'm taking Niall. Louis and Zayn coz I have got a bigger car. And you are stuck with Liam." the three boys bounced into Harrys car and Liam skipped over to mine.

"SCORE!" He jumped into the front. "I get shotgun! YOU DON'T GET SHOTGUN DO YOU ZAYN!" The boys had obviously been arguing about that before I came back. I tossed my head back and laughed at their crazy minds before climbing into the front seat.

"So why'd you get stuck with me?" I asked. You can't blame me for being curious.

"They either felt safer driving with Harry or thought that you smelt. Either way. I have to agree with them." Liam one day you will get slapped. And I really won't care. But seeing as he could decide if I lived through this car trip or not I just swatted his arm.

"Man that makes me feel loved." I sighed.

"Nah I'm just kidding. They just don't love you as much as I do." Well played Liam. Well played.

The rest of the car trip flew by. We talked about everything from why white marshmallows are the best and how the strange colored ones are freaks of nature, to about how I missed my Australian family and how he missed his family too.

We got to the beach first because I'm awesome. And I'm a slightly illegal driver. But what can I say, I was raised in the city. The others were only about a minute behind but that was enough time for me and Liam to hide behind a tree with the nerf guns i smuggled. Best decision ever.


I nodded at Liam and we jumped out at the lads. "FOR NARNIA!" I cried. Everyone stopped and looked at us funny before we showered them with bullets.

The next ten minutes was a complete frenzy with me and Liam shooting every which way and the boys just gave up on blocking the darts and started picking them up in handful and pegging them at us. Somehow Harry got a hold of my gun and was currently holding me hostage. His arm capturingme in a headlock and the gun pressed to my temple.

"Liam. Hand over the gun. And she won't get hurt." I restrained a giggle at Harrys horrible mafia accent.

"No. Please sir. I'll do anything. Take my gun." Liam got on his knees and raised the nerf gun above his head. Harry nodded to Zayn to take it from him.

"Keep your face down sir. Raise the weapon a bit higher thank you." Zayn cautiously stepped towards Liam. Just as his fingers brushed the gun Liam sprang up and attacked him with bullets.

"YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE" He cried and ran off toward the sand with the boys trailing behind him. All the boys but Harry who still had my gun to my head. As soon as all the boys backs were turned he lowered the gun and slung his arm around my shoulders.

"No hard feelings right Rora? I mean. A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do." Harry flashed me a dimpled grin.

"Oh how can I refuse that face. Those dimples never lie." I gushed sarcastically. "But may I ask, how does that phrase refer to you. You're not a man. You're barely a boy" I teased.

He dropped his arm and gave me his open mouth-false shock grin. "You better run now Rora dear."

I don't need to be told twice curly bear. Before he had a chance to grab me I ran off to join the boys.

And to think that we haven't even reached the beach yet. What have I gotten myself into. And why am I loving it so much.

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