Chapter 22: You're a Witch, Isn't That Kind of Girly

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Sorry for the wait & enjoy... because this is super long!!


Recap chap 21:

“If you don’t believe in fate cheri… do you believe in magic?” He asked and I had to stare blankly at him. If I didn’t, he would know I was freaking out. Magic? Was he serious? What the hell did he mean by that?


Chapter 22: You’re a Witch, Isn’t That Kind of Girly  

Did he just say magic? My heart started pounding and I felt my face go pale. How could magic exist and how could we have been made for each other, if I wasn’t wrapped up in this world of magic myself? It made no sense. The confusing thoughts that spun in my mind had me dizzy and light headed. I guess freaking out was a complete understatement.

“Please cheri, please just calm down. Remember to breathe.” I felt his hands on my face and when I opened my eyes, it was as if I was staring into an endless chasm that led straight to his soul.

Indeed, as I gazed into his glowing lapis and silver orbs, I was convinced that everything he said was undeniably true. Magic was real, we were entwined and I was completely in love with him. I had never imagined myself to love anyone other than my brother and mother. But in that moment, I was confident that the feelings that had tried so desperately to surface for the last few weeks to months were steadfast.

I was in love with Maxim Wells. This was what Gabe had attempted to get me to figure out.

Why hadn’t I seen it before? Why was it so hard to finally discover? Perhaps the truth of the situation stared me in the face. Maybe it was the fact that I knew about magic and believed that it was true, that convinced my mind to accept what it was so urgently trying to hide from me. I had questions, and I needed answers.

I was aware that Max was staring at me intently, still holding my face in his hands gently. It was a sensation that I reveled in. The soft, electric feel of his skin against mine was both exciting and soothing. So this was what being in love felt like. I had always imagined it, but never believed I would have found it. I could trust Max. He would have given honest explanations, now that he was willing to open up about his secret.

The most important question I had to inquire about was the one I had the least courage to ask. I wanted to know if he loved me too, but I was too much of a coward and an emotional amateur to have broached the subject.

“Max, what do you mean by magic?” I questioned instead. I had a fair idea of what his response would have been, but I didn’t want to jump to conclusions.

“Have you heard of witches, spells and potions?”  He commented casually, as if this was the most normal conversation in the world. I’m sure that in his mind it was, in mine it was just awkward.

“So what, you’re a witch? Isn’t that kind of girly? Do you wear a dress and ride a broom?” The words sprung from my mouth before I had the chance to censor them, just like every other time I had spoken to him. I had no filter when I was with him. I was surprised I hadn’t confessed my new found, yet undying love for him. It wasn’t my intent to offend him, but by the scowl on his face, I could only assume that I had.

“We’re warlocks, you know wizards and sorcerers. Like Dumbledore or Gandolf but without the wands and brooms. I fancy myself more like Snape though, the dark and brooding type.” Max replied, a hint of his accent was detectable in his voice and I had to laugh. He was exactly like Snape, all mysterious and sexy, but without the evil vibe. Gabe however, was more like Lupin, sweet, caring and professional, but without the wolf thing.

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