Chapter 2: I'll be Watching You

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Crissy =:)


Chapter 2: I’ll be Watching you

I walked to the mirror in my hospital room’s bathroom and slowly surveyed the damage. It didn’t seem that bad this time. There were bruises on my stomach and ribs as I suspected, along with a very large and tender bruise across by right shoulder and back. This mark, I knew was from the broomstick that he used against me. There were times when it wasn’t enough for him to merely hit me with his hands. Sometimes, he used whatever was in reach. Thank god he wasn’t near the baseball bat this time, which surely would have caused more broken bones.

I groaned at the thought, a rather painful memory, as I struggled against the soreness and pain to get back into my tattered and slightly torn clothes. There were blood stains on my shirt, from where my lips and face had bled from the fierce strikes. My golden brown, shoulder length hair was knotted and disheveled. It had gotten too long. I would have to remember to cut it as soon as I was feeling better. When I let it get too long, it was easy for him to grab, and pull me around roughly. That was the very reason I tried to keep it shorter than chin length. Oh well, lesson learned!

Dark blue and purple bruises adorned my face and covered my lightly tanned skin. A few cuts lay over my full pink lips. My deep green eyes were bloodshot and puffy, whether from crying or swelling, who could have known. In any case, it didn’t matter. I was not much to look at either way. My body was small and frail. I guess I could thank my dead mother for that one. Chester certainly didn’t seem to mind my small size and stature. It was that much easier for him to overpower me that way.

I grabbed the coat Gabe had given me, turning away from the disgusting site before me, and throwing it around my shoulders for warmth. I peered out the door and surveyed the area for signs of Gabe, or anyone else that may have recognized me. The last thing I needed was another sermon. When I was certain the coast was clear, I shoved my discharge papers into the pocket of my jeans and headed around the corner for the employee exit.

How could I have been so stupid? I should have known he would have been waiting for me. I couldn’t have gotten away so easily without another confrontation. To be honest, I didn’t understand why he even cared, if that was what it was.

“Just remember what I said Trinity.” That was the only thing Gabe said before he left, throwing me a concerned and sympathetic glance.

When will he give up and stop worrying? It would be best for both of us, if no one cared about me at all. Tristan was different. He was my brother and my best friend. There was no way he could have looked past this. But I wished he would never have gotten involved, well, more involved than needed to be because look where he ended up. Six feet under at the age of 18.

That was the day I stopped caring what happened to me. That was the day I had given up hope. That was the first day, I tried to kill myself. Too bad for me, that my pervert father and abusive bastard boyfriend found me before the last of the blood flowed out of my body. That was two years ago. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t wish for death, a day that I don’t wish to look into to his eyes, my eyes. The eyes of my dead twin brother Tristan.

I sat silently engrossed in my thoughts on the bench in the employee smoking section behind the hospital. I stared into the night sky. It was cold and the whipping wind sent shivers down my spine. Just the automatic action of my body quivering caused tremors of pain throughout my being.

I knew he was waiting for my call. If I didn’t speak with him soon, then I would regret it when I got back home. If it wasn’t from him, then I would get it from my dad. I have two homes really, but neither one is any better than the other.

Wishing I Could Save Myself from a Life I Despise: My Shadowed Life SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now