Chapter 29: Taking the Final Step Part 2

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***This chapter contains a brief sex scene*** it’s nothing too in depth


Chapter 29: Taking the Final Step Part 2

“Seriously Maxy? Stop dropping your pants!” I scolded him. My face flamed with embarrassment. I had only ever seen one man naked, and it wasn’t by choice so I attempted not to look as much as possible. Surprisingly, I had never seen Carl without clothes, since he normally stumbled in my room in a half-drunken state and forced himself on me at night while I was sleeping. I thank any god above who kept that sight from burning my retinas.

      “Are you embarrassed chérie?” Max teased in a light tone. The sound of his smooth voice laced with a faint accent did strange things to my body, or maybe it was the pull of the entwinement. But whatever the case, it turned me on, made me want him, which only caused further embarrassment at the new and slightly confusing sensation.

“I’m not embarrassed.” I denied. “I just see no reason for you to run around half naked.” I commented with a bold faced lie.

I desired to see every part of his gloriously naked body, but suddenly I was overcome with apprehension. Small twinges of fear, not to mention pain from the distance between us, crept up from my inner depths. It was my insecurities that had gotten the better of me. My heart was heavy with sorrow and depression because it felt like Max was a million miles away and not a mere foot, which was the reality of the situation. My body ached with both agony and longing, but was littered with hints of doubt. Not that I doubted him or my desire for him, I doubted that I was worthy of him.

I didn’t dare glance at his half naked body, or my self-doubt would certainly grow. Why was he torturing me like this? Perhaps it was a test to see if I was truly ready. I hoped I passed, and quickly. With curiosity welling in me, I dug deep for some semblance of resolve. In my peripheral vision, I watched as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt, pushing it open wide and baring himself to me. I bit my lip in frustration because it was all I could do to keep from forcing myself on him.

I blocked my mind so he couldn’t read my incredibly dirty thoughts, thoughts of taking charge and having my way with him. I had the feeling he liked to be the dominant one in the relationship. That was okay with me because I trusted him and I was accustomed to being submissive.

“I thought you’d want to stare at my sexy body.” Again he teased, but with less levity and more seriousness this time. I chanced a quick glance at his magnificence before swiftly tearing my hungry eyes away. He was very large in the manliness department. Seriously, how was he still a innocent with a smooth voice and a hot body like that? I blushed harder and felt guilty that I was so lustful.

“I thought you craved me, desired me. I thought you wanted me to make love to you. I guess I was wrong.” Maxim commented intensely, no longer teasing. His face fell in disappointment and sadness.

I was confused. My mind was slowed by the thick emotions from the bond, both positive and negative, which clouded my thinking. He dropped the remainder of his clothes and walked away, nearing the water. I lost sight of him as he approached the shore. I felt his rejection as the distance between us grew, but I didn’t want him to assume that I had changed my mind. I was only hesitant because it was a new experience. I needed to get over my embarrassment and prove to him that I was both willing and ready to take the last step.

I quickly undressed, leaving my clothes in a pile alongside his on the carpet. I then made my way down to the water and approached his naked form, where he stood waist deep in the warm and inviting liquid of the lake. I gently pressed my hot flesh against his back and reached under his arms to tangle mine around his chest. The tingle that jumped between our bodies was immediately gratifying, like a welcomed lightning bolt that struck my heart and radiated through me rapidly.

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