Chapter 24: Scrambling for Alternatives

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Horray for a mid week upload =D


Recap chap 23:

“How do you know all of this?” I questioned Gabe with a weak almost nonexistent voice. It was all I could manage at the moment because my pain and the pain of my mother’s choice weighed so heavily on me that I felt as if I would be crushed if I heard one more word of truth.

“Trinity, I was her bonded one.” He stated calmly and I had absolutely no reply. He was my mother’s bonded one? What the hell? The more I hear, the more this gets fucked up.


Chapter 24: Scrambling for Alternatives

After Gabe explained just what the hell he meant about being my mother’s bonded one, I took a sigh of relief. As it turns out, he met my mom Silvia when he was 12 and she was 17. By that time, she was already deeply in love with Carl and refused any further contact with Gabe, never speaking to him or laying eyes on him again, there by severing their bond just after the first step.

Soon after that, she renounced all things mystical and became pregnant with my brother and me. Throughout the years, members of the mystical community kept an eye on her, just in case she changed her mind and decided to rejoin her old life. Gabe hadn’t seen her in 15 years, but that all changed the first day I met him and my mom came to pick me up at the hospital after my dad Carl had beat the shit out of me for coming home late from school.

When he realized who she was, he enlisted Max’s help in keeping tabs on my mom. Even though the bond had been severed on her part, Gabe still felt drawn to her. Max was 17 at the time and was eager to help his brother. It wasn’t until 2 years later, that their mother Caroleena revealed the fact that I, Silvia’s daughter, was intended as Maxim’s bonded one. It was the Goddess Quoramina’s way to make amends for the failed bond between Gabe and my mother.

Though it was a shocking tale, in a way it all made sense. The bond had come full circle, from Gabe and my mom, to his brother Max and me. If Gabe and my mother had bonded, then I would be his daughter and I never would have suffered the cruel torture that I had. But I never would have fallen in love with Maxim either, so I guess it was a fair trade. I would have suffered anything for one second of the feelings of love that I received from Max through our entwinement.

But what if they had married and I had still fallen in love with Max, then I would have been in love with my uncle and that is truly fucked up. I wonder if he ever thought about that. I was about to ask Gabe that very question when a sudden pain ripped through my body. I was trying, however unsuccessfully, to hide my physical pain from Gabe. But in that moment, the strength of the entwinement over took me and I cried out in pain and doubled over, clutching my shaky hands to my chest.

The majority of the pain was centered over my chest, my heart to be exact. It felt like a searing pain that burned relentlessly, consuming my chest and radiating outward to my limbs. It was the distance between us, it had become overwhelming and I knew that soon enough I had to submit to the last step of the entwinement. If this was the pain I had to endure, then I wondered what Max’s pain was like.

Was it the same, or was it worse because he had technically known me for longer and claimed that he had strong feelings for me for years before we met? If that was the case, then I couldn’t let him endure this intense physical and mental suffering. I could barely handle it, and I was used to being tortured daily. How was Max supposed to deal with it?

Gabe must have noticed the change in me because he was beside me in seconds, laying me down and surveying me for damage in true doctorly fashion. He studied my face, then my eyes and began questioning me when he found no physical reason for my acute agony.

Wishing I Could Save Myself from a Life I Despise: My Shadowed Life SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now