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The day has been so hectic,I am still irritated by that mehendi session.I mean whyyy?.

Its 11:59 right now and I am on my bed trying to get some sleep.I am scared what will happen tomorrow,when I will tell her after the wedding.I hope she doesn't slap me.Heheh

Soon,sleep took over me.


The sunray's forced me to open my eyes.It was 5:30,thus I got up to get ready for the haldi ceremony which was at 7.

"The day is very tough",I said to me putting the papers which dad gave me yesterday in my suitcase.

"The day is very tough",I said to me putting the papers which dad gave me yesterday in my suitcase

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(Her haldi outfit)

"Ji,aap woh kar dijiyega.",I said to our househelp and cut the phone immediately as I saw mom standing on the door."What happened?" "Nothing,ma.You say" "I want you to go at Rish's side and bring haldi from there" "But his family members are supposed to come with that na" "They have different customs in which bride's sister comes.No ifs and but's you are going that's final.I have told them to send someone to take you as it's still dark and there area is quite far from here.Go do the final touches" "Ji",I said and left.

"I will not do something which will ruin everyone's mood."I said to myself making my hair.


"Come downstairs",mom said "JI",I replied and left.


It was 5:45 when mom forced me to wake up . "What mom?It's 5:45 only" "Get up right now" "No,please" "Fine then, Hardik either wake him or you go.",she said and left.

"Darshan uth",Hardik said this. "What happened why you are waking me up?""Get up first otherwise you'll regret later." "Don't play riddles" "Okay,I am doing what aunt said.It will not be my fault.I'll go and bring Aai..." "What tell me",I said standing. "Good boy,now go get ready and bring Aaisha here.No questions please.Aunt asked me but I didn't wanted to do third-wheeling.Thus,I said no to her.Now are you going or should I ? "Going bro chill" "You don't have time.I am ready" "Gimme 5 minutes" "Okay",he said.

I got ready within 5 minutes exactly."Loverboy,go now",Hardik said to which I blushed and I rushed out of the room.

"Go,Darshan",Mom said and I left.


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I reached at Bride's area in 10 minutes,in the garden I saw a girl in yellow and there she was playing with her bangles.

I reached at Bride's area in 10 minutes,in the garden I saw a girl in yellow and there she was playing with her bangles

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I coughed to get her attention."Hey",I said. "Hey",she said.There was awkward silence between us two for a minute. "Shall we go?",she asked breaking the ice."Yes,otherwise mom will beat me up with her sandals.Oh no she told me that she'll be wearing heels.Come fast.",I said to which she chuckled.

We both were walking quietly none of us was talking.I finally decided to say,"How are you feeling then?" "I am emotional.What about you?" "I am happy." "You two have a good bond",she said. "How do you know?",I asked. It was clearly evident from her face that she regretted saying that. "Darshan,we have reached",she said.She just changed the topic but the way she took my name is  heavenly.

"Aaisha,come in",Rish's mother or my aunt said, "We haven't done the haldi here so you first attend it here and then take the haldi there. "  "Ji" "Feel comfortable.Just as Manya is our daughter you also are our daughter. Tell me if something bothers you.",dad said. "Ji uncle thank you",Aaisha said. "Come let's go we are late already",mom said. "Hardik take care of her,I can't say this to this budhu because ye apna khyaal toh rakh nahi sakta Aaisha ka kya rakhega?",dad said and everyone laughed."Dad",I said. "What?" "Oh sorry sir chaliye ab",he said.

Hardik came and started walking next to me. "Bhai,I am sorry.But don't mind,I can take good care of her.You take care of yourself",he whispered laughing. "Wait let her go and then I'll kill you",I said."Aaisha,I am Hardik,the one you saw on video call that day or the one who you ignored.",Hardik said raising his eyebrow."Hi",Aaisha said and started walking away.

"What were you saying about video call?",I enquired. "Someone is jealous.But it's something between us she won't like it bhai if I tell it to you",Hardik said. "There is no US between you two",I said with a formal tone. "Wait",He said and called Aaisha,she too stopped and waited for us to reach there. "Aaisha won't you mind if I told him about the video call that day?",Hardik asked in a mischevious tone. "Ummm..I",she said but aunt cut her saying "Come Aaisha" and she left.

"See,she too didn't liked me talking about it.There's nothing like that.Don't get jealous loverboy.She is my bhabhi",He said and ran leaving me blush.


I didn't even wanted to attend a ceremony and here I am attending back to back.I cannot say No after all.Only god knows how much I tried to control my laughter when his father passed that statement,I didn't laugh to avoid awkward moment between us.

Everyone is applying haldi to Rish but I am busy in thinking how will I explain it to everyone?I know dad said he'll manage but, still I have to say on my behalf not he.My thoughts were broken when someone ran into me and we collided,me and him.I closed my eyes as we fell.

"Get up",uncle said.He got up and extended his hand which I took as I had no option."Umm I am sorry I was just running as they were applying haldi to me as well.I hope I didn't harm you",he said."No its fine",I said. "Aaisha you have haldi on your cheek",aunty said.I looked ,"They both have haldi on their faces.Doesn't that mean that...",a random girl said but uncle cut her off saying,"Riya you should stop watching hindi movies".I rubbed the haldi off and he did too.

Soon,the ceremony got over and Rish's mom handed me the haldi bowl."Thank you aunty,I shall leave",I said and left for the bride's side.

The ceremony got over here as well by 1:00 in the afternoon and everyone went to their room to take rest and get energy for the wedding.Di started getting ready for the wedding which was supposed to take place at 6 in the evening and I too did.I avoided talking to everyone except dad because I didn't wanted to tell them before the wedding as there is 10000 percent chance of them getting mad at me or ruining the wedding,specially di.


She left with the haldi bowl but I am still thinking about what Riya said.Everyone knows what she was about to say but I swear I didn't do it intentionally.Was it god's sign?

"Whatever it was It'll be clear when I'll talk to her after the wedding",I said and went back to get ready.


Hey peeps again a very long chapter but the twist is near so I can't keep the short.

Also our seventh monsoon song JANNAT VE is out!Do check it on Indie music label's channel!

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