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It was 3:30 and I was ready both emotionally and mentally.When I'll tell them, they might even slap me and I won't stop them.Anyways let's smile till then.

"Leaving isn't easy but required",I said while wiping my tears."Aaisha a",Dad called out from the door."Dad",I ran to him and hugged him."Don't worry.We have to leave something to get the other." "Hmm" "Stop,it's you sister's wedding.Enjoy it to the fullest." "Yes,sir",I said wiping my tears again."Everything will be, as god's plan.",he said and left.

I checked my dress again,and said,"You can do it,Aash."


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I got ready by 4 pm.Everyone was rushing here and there,arranging things.Thus,I decided to go and meet Rish.

"Yo bro,nervous?",I asked. "Yes,a bit chhote" "No worries,I am there na" "That's the reason",he said and laughed making me frustrated and throwing a pillow on him."Darshan,I have been noticing a lot of changes in you.Found someone new?" "Why you guys always think that I keep on changing someone I am with" "Because that's what you do" "This time it's different" "I know it is different every single time" "Stop joking,Rish" "Someone is serious" "Hell a lot" "Okay!then tell me about it" "No,will tell at the right time" "Any hint" "You'll guess if I give one" "I know but I wanted to hear from you as a conformation" "Who?" "She's a very nice girl.I haven't talked to her but could sense she is very different from others.This might be complicated" "I don't like simple things" "Oh,confidence" "Yeah",I said and winked. 

"Come boys let's go",Dad called out."Chaliye dulhe ji',I said and he blushed.

We went to the mandap where everyone was expect bride and Aaisha.

We went to the mandap where everyone was expect bride and Aaisha

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Rish went and sat where he was supposed to and Hardik came to me. "Yo bro,whom are you looking for?" "You don't know" "Aree ya it's Aaisha,no?" "Please speak low his family is around us" "So, what, they are enemies of love" "Shut up Hardik" "Yeah,after all they are your in laws" "Shut up" "Haan you'll say this only as Aaisha is here now" "Where?" "There see",he said pointing towards the staricase. "She looks pretty",escaped from my mouth. "Ya she does",Hardik said. "Shut up",I said. "Aree,I am saying about that girl standing there.Who is she?",Hardik said. "Hardik focus on your studies and music",Rish said. "Yes,Bhai very well said",I exclaimed and we three laughed.

Both Rish and Manya sat and did the ceremonies.But I saw Aaisha tensed, searching for something."Stop looking at her and come.We need to execute something",Hardik said pointing towards a bag.


I know I am not that exciting,but how can I not steal the shoes of Rish.It's custom after all."Aash,I guess they have it",Arhaan said pointing towards Darshan and Hardik.

"No pleasee",I said as I don't want to go near him.Here I am trying to avoid him and opposite is happening.

I was accompanied by some cousins of ours."Aaisha,we have to get them at any cost",they said. "For Me ,Aash",Arhaan said,he very well knew this trick,which his mother used to play on me."OKay",I said with a low voice and followed Hardik and Darshan. 


We both went to the terrace and Hardik said,"Bro find a place and hide this.I'll go downstairs so that no one from their team suspect us.""okay",I said.

He ran but I  stood there, thinking where to hide it.As,I was looking she came in.


We reached at the terrace and everyone told me to go inside and said that they won't join me.I have to do it alone,they are so mean.

I had no option thus,I went to the terrace alone to take the shoes.As,I entered I saw Darshan with a bag in his hand,trying to hide it.Yes,that's my target,the bag.

"Hi",I said."H..e..y",he said."You here?",I asked."Just taking some air",he said."Ok,You wanted to talk about something?",I continued."Yeha" "Can we talk now?" "Ohk,come have a seat" ,he said keeping the bag on the table,I so wasn't liking lying to him.

" Aaisha I wanted.... to .... say...that",he was about to continue when,I took the bag and moved away from him.I said,"Sorry,but I had to.Please don't judge me",and ran,he stood there didn't ran after me .

"Here,take it",I said to Arhaan and he smiled."Thank you masi",Arhaan said."Who forced you to call me that?Call me Aash only",I responded."Yes,Aash",He said with a broad smile."Let's go the wedding is almost over.It's our turn to give this and do some masti",One of the cousins said."Hmm",I replied still thinking how much I have hurt him.

"Wait wait wait",I said to everyone standing in the hall after the wedding."Tana tananan"I said showing the shoes while pouting."Aash,wow you got them",di said."Yes,ma'am.After all you said to do this",I replied winking."Okay so now thee real game starts",replied di looking at Rish JiJU now. 

"What?" "Give her the cash and take your shoes" "Wait what cash I didn't knew anything" "Stop acting.You're very bad in it" "Okay,How much sister in law?" "Ummm...50,000" "No",he said "Yes,she isn't asking she is ordering give her now",Di said and thus he gave us the cash.Everyone was happy but he wasn't here.Thus,I went to Hardik and asked him,"" "He must be somewhere" "Where?" "I don't know" "Okay,If you find him.Please tell to meet me" "Okay,I'll.Congrats you won" "All because of him!",I said and left.

Wedding got over and according to customs,di and jiju decided to stay at bride's place. I with full courage went in the living room at bride's place and decided to tell them that......


She came and asked to talk.I almost forgot about the shoes.I thought she really wanted to talk but she wanted the shoes.How dumb I am I should have known this.I was about to speak what I had within me for her but she executed her plan and went.I stood there not knowing what to do,how to react? Was she even listening to me? Was she even interested in the talk? I don't know.What I know is that I AM HURT.

I went down in the hall,when Hardik stopped me."You gave her the shoes",he said."Sorry",I replied."It was my mistake,I shouldn't have given it to you.",He said."Anyways she asked me about you",Hardik continued."Go meet her in the bride's place only",He said and I nodded happily.

I went to the Bride's place,stood there shocked.


What is she hiding?What will happen?


Again,a long chapter.Also,tell how you felt after reading this chapter and keep your assumptions coming.


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