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HELLO EVERYONE! This is my second fanfic story! I hope you enjoyed the last one even though I think that it was bad. Anyway! This will be a KNY x Tensura Fanfic!

This story popped up in my head, while I was doing chores. I was so bored at the time that I had to think of something to entertain myself while doing something. It eventually ended up to this.

Hahahahaha! Anyways! I hope you will enjoy this story!

{[System]} - Announcement or actions done by the system

{Voice Of The World} - Announcement or actions from the Voice of The World as narration

{Voice Of The World} - Voice of The World in the story

"Hello!" - Someone talking

'Welcome to my Mind!' - Someone thinking

[Name] - name of a skill

{(Announcement)} - Skill talking


{[System Starting...Starting "Voice of The World"... Success!]}

{Story will start in 3... 2... 1}

Matthew, a totally random not so important person, walks down the street while reading some fanfic stories on his phone. It may look lile he's not looking on where he goes, in actuality he is! Suprising right!?

Anyways, he stops at the bank to do something he was told(It's a secret). As he steps in the bank, it was robbed. Starting the robbers heist.

'Ugh, what great luck I have' Matthew thought.

Few seconds later the people inside the bank were held hostage. The police arrive moments later, and it turned like in the typical robbing banks scene in movies or shows(I'm lazy alright!). Then 4 seconds passed and Matthew was in a bad situation.

A gun was pointed to his head and the robber threatened the police, that he will kill me if they do something. The hostages were scared and panicked, only for the robbers to threatened them to shut up. During this moments Matthew only thought.

'Haah~ what terrible luck I have. Why did they have to rob the bank now of all times? I was having my time reading fanfics, why me of all people?'

Yes. Matthew was thinking why his luck was bad and some other stuff. Like, HOW!? How is he calm in this situation?! Surely if it was some random person they would be scared and this guy was just thinking it was like another normal day of his life?! Unless, that happened to him multiple times? No that's not it, I think?

After a while the robber made a mistake. He accidentally shot Matthew. Yes, "Accidentally" pulled the trigger. Matthew suddenly died there, his lifeless body fell. The event lasted a while but the police manage to arrest the robbers, every single one of them, and they managed to save the hostages except for one, and it is Matthew.

Now let's see what Matthew thought or did before he died.

{Switching Perspective from Author to the Individual Matthew... Success! Rewinding the story. Success! Continuing the story}

-Matthew's P.O.V.-

I was hold hostage by a robber during a heist. I was bored and wanted to just read some stories on my phone, but can't. You may ask why? Why do I not care a single crap about the situation that I'm in. The answer is simple, I have no reason to, it only uses more energy that it already is. I am a lazy person, but not THAT lazy. I do somethings at home too you know, like doing chores, help my siblings with their homeworks, helping my mom. My dad works on a company so we only see him during evening when he is done with his work.

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