Bonus Chapter: Milim's Aniki

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Hello! Welcome to a Bonus Chapter!! I hope you will enjoy this one! Also from now on, I won't add Milim's -noda thing, it was only a test in the previous chapter. But if you want to I'll try to keep it, but at a lower level of usage.

See you at the bottom!!

{[System]} - Announcement or actions done by the system

{Voice Of The World} - Voice of The World basically

"Hello!" - Someone talking

'Welcome to my Mind!' - Someone thinking

[Name] - name of a skill

[(Announcement)] - [Great Sage] talking

(Me: Hello!!) - Me talking

「Hi!」-Thought Communication


{[Activating Bonus Story... Success! Starting]}

Hello! My name is Milim Nava and I am a demon lord!! I am currently in the Great Jura Forest, living in my bestie's and aniki's town!

I've been living here for a week or two now! They have a lot of delicious food, not like the ones that my followers in my territory offered. They have a lot of things too! They have clothes, weapons, and other stuff!

They've been taking good care of the town, but I can't play with Rimuru that much because he's always busy with work. At least I have my big brother with me!

What? You don't know who it is? It's Yoriichi! I think his full name was Yoriichi Tsugikuni? Yeah, I think it's that one.

Either way, he's been taking good care of me. I always wanted an aniki! Someone to take care of me and he is the one! At times though he gets mad, and I feel bad for it because it was I who makes him mad sometimes.

But I'm glad that he gets over it! He also taught me a lot of things! Anyways, here are the moments where we spend time together!!


Me and Yoriichi were leaning on a tree that is located on a hill that shows the whole town.

"Yoriichi?" I called whilst my hair is being stroked by Yoriichi

"Hm? What is it Milim?" He asked

"Can I call you aniki?" I said

"*chuckles* Of course, you can! You can call me whatever you want, Milim" He said as I fell asleep on his lap

"Have a nice sleep, my chaotic little sister" He said as he was also drifting to sleep


I'm with aniki, hunting monsters for dinner!



"Why don't you smile?" I asked curiously

"Hmm... let's see..."

"I have a skill that needs me to be calm and not show any emotions"

"Can you like... turn it off? The skill you know?"

"Sure, it's because you requested it" He said as I see him smile

"Okay let's hunt some monsters! I will ask Shuna to cook them personally for you" He said as he cut a monster in half

"Let's go! Let's see who has the most monster killed!" I said excitedly

"*Chuckles* Sure!" He said

We then spent the afternoon having fun while hunting and competing with each other.


It was morning and we are having breakfast.

The food that they gave me was carrots. Aniki was watching at the other side of the table. Apparently, he already ate.

Aaawww, I wanted to eat with him though!

"Hey, Milim eat your food. You don't want someone to eat it don't you?" Aniki said

"No! I don't want to eat vegetables! Especially carrots" I said while Benimaru is agreeing with me

"Try it it's delicious and it is not raw, I promise"

"Still no!"

"*Sigh* Here let me shape them up" He said as he took my plate


After he was done he gave me my plate and I saw carrots that were in different shapes. There were stars, circles, triangles, squares, and other shapes!

"Well, I guess it won't hurt to eat it" I said as I eat my carrots and Benimaru looked at me as if I betrayed him


I'm with Rimuru as we play tag. At least that's what he told me. He thought of this game and we are having fun!

We played for a while until I fell. Aniki then went to help me up, as he placed a bandaid on the place where there was a small bruise.

"Be careful next time Milim"

"Okay!" I said as Rimuru and I then went to town to buy some stuff


"Aniki, please don't leave me" I said whilst asleep

Aniki looked at me for a while until he says,

"I won't until it is my time to leave. But be strong if ever I'm gone okay? You're smart and you know that and please do not be a bother to Rimuru" He said as he hugged me as he fell asleep


WARNING: Spoiler of the future skip this part if you don't want to be spoiled.

"Wh-what? N-no, that's not true! He's not dead! No No No No! I won't believe you!"

"_____ please! I know you are sad and I am too no, all of _______. We are all sad! I-I tried to revive him but, I failed!"

"No! That's not true!"

"Please _____"

"No! I won't believe you!"

"*sigh* Follow me then"


"_____? You're not dead right? P-please come back to me. Please. _____? _____!!!"

"_____! Calm down!"

"Who killed him?!"

"It was _______! He pulled some strings so that ______ will invade _______ and I was late cause someone fought me as I was going home. I-I am weak! I can't do anything to bring him back!"

"_______ did it!? Oh now I have a bone to pick with him! I'll murder Him!!"


So... how was it? I added this a bit of a spoiler of the plot. If you skipped it, here's a summary, someone important died. That was it!

I hope you enjoyed this bonus chapter!

I still do not know how to write a chapter properly yet. All I did was simply putting ideas and how others write from the books that I read.

Sorry if it is not good, if you know something about writing can you please give me some tips? If not then that's fine.

Anyway! I wish No-! I pray that all of you readers will have a nice and beautiful day!

See you at the next chapter. BYEE!!

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