Chapter 6

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Hello! I'm back! This is the new chapter, I hope that you will enjoy it.

Also I have something to say at the bottom of the chapter! See you there!!

{[System]} - Announcement or actions done by the system

{Voice Of The World In Bold Text} - Announcement or actions from the Voice of The World as narration

{Voice Of The World} - Voice of The World in the story

"Hello!" - Someone talking

'Welcome to my Mind!' - Someone thinking

[Name] - name of a skill

<Announcement> - Great Sage talking

(Me: Hello) - Me talking

「Hi!」-Thought Communication


{[System Acitvating...Success! Continuing The Story]}

As Treyni joined the meeting, we continued our discussion. We have learned of the Orc Lord's unique skill [Starved] which made him an unnatural leader. The effects also apply to the other orcs meaning if they eat a monster they will acquire their abilities but the chance is low, so they have to eat lots of the same monster.

"I, Treyni request you two to eliminate the Orc Lord"

"U-umm, I thi-" Rimuru said stuttering

"Of course! Rimuru-sama and Yoriichi-sama are strong! The Orc Lord won't stand a chance!" Shion exclaimed

'Huh? Shion! Why are you deciding for us!?' Rimuru thought

"Oh! I'm relieved that you also agree!"

"*Sigh* I guess we have no choice" I said

We stood up and said,

"We Rimuru Tempest/ Yoriichi Tsugikuni, will eliminate the Orc Lord"

"Alright, now that is done all we need is to make an alliance with the lizardmen" Rimuru said

"Rimuru-sama" Souei said as he stood

"Hm? What is it Souei?" Rimuru asked

"I can go to the lizardmen's territory and propose the alliance"

"Sure, go tell them about the proposal of an alliance"

'I hope their leader is not the same as Gabiru' Rimuru thought

"The battle will most likely be at the lizardmen's territory, so we gotta prepare"

"Now go Souei, I'll leave the alliance to you. We will fight the orcs with the lizardmen once we arrive there"

"Understood, it shall be done" Souei said as he disappeared

We then ended the meeting as we then went to prepare for the battle.




The next morning came as we continued to prepare for the war that will happen at the lizardmen's territory.


"Hm? What is it Yoriichi?"

"At the battle can you send me at the front lines?"

"Why? Do you want to test your abilities?"

"That is one of the two reasons"

"What is the other one?"

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