Chapter 11

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Hello! Today I have some news...

2 days are left till school, and I don't know if I'll have to deal with either module or online class, maybe even both!!

I might have a small amount of time on making chapters when school starts, I don't know but if I do, the updates will slow down, maybe.

I know I say that but my mind will beg to differ. Well, see you at the bottom. Later!!

{[System]} - Announcement or actions done by the system

{Voice Of The World} - Voice of The World basically

"Hello!" - Someone talking

'Welcome to my Mind!' - Someone thinking

[Name] - name of a skill

[(Announcement)] - [Great Sage] talking

(Me: Hello!!) - Me talking

「Hi!」-Thought Communication


{[System Acitvating...Success! Continuing The Story]}

{[Yoriichi's Perspective]}

I was in the dark, that's all I can say. After I died I woke up in this dark void, there was nothing. I was all alone, I then started to remember my memories with everyone, Rimuru, Milim, Michikatsu, and the others.

I was happy that they're safe and that Shion will be revived. Though I'm sad that Rimuru will be in a state of depression, I can't be revived anymore. I sacrificed my body and soul to compensate for the lack of magicules that I have to use all that Breath of Elemental. I'm worried for Milim however, who is gonna calm her from her rampage? Will it be Rimuru? Guy and Ramiris? I'm just worried for her.

For just the small amount of time that I spent with her compared to the others, we bonded like siblings, I'm the older brother and she is the little sister. She is one of the people that got that close to me.

As I was finished remembering the memories I had, a light suddenly appeared nearby. As it dissipated a man stood there.

"Hello Yoriichi!" the man said

"Who are you?" I asked

"Ah! You don't know me yet! My bad! I'm the one who made everything! You can call me whatever you want but no insults alright!" the man said

"So... you made Veldenava?" I asked again, confused

"Basically yes! I'm here to give you options!" He said

"What do you mean options?" I asked again

"Well, you have three options! I know it's a bit cliché but-. Anyways! The options are, 1. You have your peace, basically you will achieve peace and you will finally rest! 2. You will be resurrected, just as it says! 3. Is Reincarnated again just in a different body! What will you choose!?"

"Umm.. can you give me some time?" I requested

"Sure you can! But I also have some news for you! One good, the rest are bad" he said piquing my interest

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