Chapter 17

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Hello! How are you guys? Hopefully, you are doing fine! Sorry for not updating... school got the better of me and I'm kinda losing my fire or motivation little by little. Here's the new chapter, hope you enjoy it!!


I left whilst taking Muzan with me. You may be asking, what did I mean by having a little talk with him... Well, about that.

Muzan is kinda... broken right now. We see Muzan here lying on the floor quivering. What happened to him? Well, let us see! Come with me, readers! I'll take you with me down through the event.

(A/n: Sorry 4th wall, I'm gonna fix you after this)

{[Initiating Flashback]}

I teleported myself with Muzan out of Yoriichi's mindscape. After we were out of there we were greeted with darkness, the void.

This is where I've been for a long time, and I got to tell you, it's very boring. This place is not the same one as Veldenava a.k.a my eldest son among the two. The youngest child, Reziko, is clueless about Veldenava being his brother. I'm a bad father, aren't I? I just basically left my sons to their devices for a couple of thousands of years... If that's not bad... I don't know what is.

Anyways, after arriving at the void. I let Muzan move as he jumped back immediately as he was free.

"WHO AND WHAT ARE YOU?!" He yelled at me while asking me...wha--?

Aaaannyways, he asked me who I was. Of course, I'll tell him! I'll just get rid of him after cause he'll know too much.

"Well, since I know who you are, you should also need to know about me. Okay, *inhales*... *exhales*... okay... just as I said earlier, my name is Reino, just call me Rei. As for what I am... I'm just a wandering universal eraser bomb!" I said, giving him a close-eyed smile.

"W-what?" He said, confused.

'Aww~ He's so confused! Hehehehe' I thought as I quickly retracted the sadistic smile that I was showing.

'Oops, almost lost it there~ Hehehehe' I thought as I walked towards him while he was trying to run away.

'Guess he felt the killing intent that leaked when that smile showed up' I thought as I sped up catching up to him.

Once I caught up to him, his face showed fear. Same for his emotions, fear was the one at the top. I felt his fear and I was happy. I was happy to feel fear from someone who is feared, it gives me this tingly feeling on my spine. A smile slowly crawled up on my face as my aura leaked out.

Muzan was fearing for his life, he knew that this was worse than meeting Yoriichi for the first time. How do I know you ask? Simple! I'm reading his thoughts right now! His emotions were all over the place, he was panicking and I'm thrilled to know it.

I grabbed his right shoulder using my left hand as we came to an immediate stop. I look at him... He was sweating... sweating hard...

"P-p-p-please no. Have mercy!" He was begging... begging? Begging? HAHAHAHA!!! WHO WOULD'VE THOUGHT!?

Ooops, right... gotta keep my calm... Anyways, he was begging for mercy and I mean it. He kept on begging as I was only staring at him through his eyes, without responding to his pleads.

This kept on for a while until I had enough listening to him. So, I did one simple thing... I killed him! If you want to know how I killed him, then read a little more... I'll even put a line where to stop if you want to skip it!


I was listening to Muzan's pleas to let him live... I've been listening to him for 30 minutes now... It's getting annoying so I snap my fingers, freezing him in place. I also made it that he can't talk but he can scream, only when he is feeling pain though, not when he is feeling fear.

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