Chapter 7

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Hello!! Everyone!! Welcome to the top and new chapter!! Just to let you know, I make my chapters every afternoon so expect for me to update every two days, or so.

I'll try my best to make the following chapters long and better, if I can get some feedbacks ir some tips!!

Okay that was all so see you at the bottom of the chapter!!

{[System]} - Announcement or actions done by the system

{Voice Of The World} - Voice of The World basically

"Hello!" - Someone talking

'Welcome to my Mind!' - Someone thinking

[Name] - name of a skill

[(Announcement)] - [Great Sage] talking

(Me: Hello!!) - Me talking

「Hi!」-Thought Communication


{[System Acitvating...Success! Continuing The Story]}

{[Changing Perspective: Author > Rimuru]}

After the orc lord was defeated, we then started the next phase of wars well, normally in wars, cleaning up.

After cleaning up the battle field, all the representatives of different factions made a conference where we discuss our problems and tell our opinions or solutions.

(Me: I think that's what it is, I don't know I'm dumb)

Apparently the cause of the orc's invasion was famine and was dragged in to Gelmud's plan of a puppet demon lord.

The conference began with a heavy atmosphere, the representatives of different factions were present. The lizardmen, their chieftain, his daughter, and some guards. There were six orcs for their faction, and our faction. Our representatives are Me, Benimaru, Shuna, Rigurd, and Yoriichi.

We are now discussing about the aftermath of the war and what will happen with the orcs that are still alive.

From what we got from the orc that was close to Geld. If the Orc Lord is gone their energy will be released resulting into losing their strength which means in a couple of days they will die due to starvation.

"About the orcs, what are our problems?" the chieftain asked

"Basically the orcs lost their home, which means they don't have anything from food to shelter." I said

"I see, so that's our problem. Personally I want to leave them to dust but that depends on others opinions. So, any solutions?" the chieftan asked

"W-wait!" an orc shouted as we looked at him

"Is it okay for us to join this conference? Seeing we are the one who made the chaos"

"It's fine plus, you were one of the victims of Gelmud's plan after all" I said as he quieten down

"Anyways! My solution is that we cooperate with each other!" I exclaimed

"What do you mean?" The chieftain asked

"What I mean is we work together, we help the orcs' food problem and in return they do the manual labor in our village, I won't also forget to share some of our resources to you lizardmen. I made a promise to Geld after all that I will eat their sins and will take them in"

"That indeed is doable, but are you sure? Taking in orcs that number around 100,000 will be hard to come by"

"Don't worry! I will split them up, some will live up in the mountains south to our village and some will stay and help with construction. And for the food we will handle with the processed goods while the lizardmen will hande with fish that you have in your territory." I explained

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