Chapter 16

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Hello! To the people who read and commented on my little rant last update... Thank you so much!! And you may be wondering why I removed it... it's just reasons you gotta believe me! Also, I haven't updated this for a week technically if you do not include my rant last time, sooo yeah! Hope you enjoy the small chapter!!


{[System Acitvating...Success! Continuing The Story]}

{[Current Perspective: Rimuru]}

After the man left, I took Yoriichi's body as I noticed that the city is fixed...

Wait what?

I looked around to see it all fixed... I didn't even notice this. Since when?

I just ignored the sudden change in my surroundings as I and Veldora went to Rigurd and the others.

We were flying through the air at great speeds. As we headed to our destination, I looked at Yoriichi to see how he's doing.

As I look at him... I noticed, he is different. I know that he is now a demon but he's a bit different. Not in a physical aspect, no, that's not what I mean.

What I mean is that Yoriichi's atmosphere or vibe is a bit different. It's as if he is more... stronger, of course, he will be as his race is changed. But he is more stronger, like literally.

The aura around him shows that he can like destroy a nation with a slash of his sword. There's also this thing that I'm feeling right now... I don't know what it is.

I snapped back to reality as we arrived at where everyone was evacuated. We landed as everyone stopped their actions as all of their attention focused on me, Veldora, and Yoriichi.

Michikatsu is in the distance, leaning on the tree. His eyes were closed and it feels like he is waiting for someone to come or wake up.

Anyways, I looked around as I see Rigurd came to greet me while holding a blanket.

"Lord Rimuru!! I'm glad that you are safe!" he exclaimed as he placed the blanket down as I laid Yoriichi there.

We then talked about stuff that happened beforehand and the event that happened in our fight with Yoriichi that was controlled by a soul, or should I say possessed.

After the chat, I told Rigurd to order everyone to return to the city. I'm also embarrassed every time I hear or say our capital's name, Rimuru. Yeah, they named it after me if you didn't know.

Anyways! We returned to the city and they were surprised to see that it was all fixed. They began to give me a look of awe and if you know how things work here, this usually means that they think that it was me that did it.

They can easily be misunderstood, even from my "ideas" of inventions. They are that loyal as well.

Before they say any words, I spoke up,

"Before you say anything, no. I did not fix the capital, it was a man that helped us handle Yoriichi" I said as they looked at me, probably waiting for me to continue

"He came to help and fixed the city, for what reason, I don't know" I said as they still looked at me with awe

Right now... I'm a little bit scared... Why are they like this? Why do they give me that lo--

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