Chapter 4

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{[System]} - Announcement or actions done by the system

{Voice Of The World In Bold Text} - Announcement or actions from the Voice of The World as narration

{Voice Of The World} - Voice of The World in the story

"Hello!" - Someone talking

'Welcome to my Mind!' - Someone thinking

[Name] - name of a skill

{(Announcement)} - Skill talking

(In Bold Text) - Me talking

「Hi!」-Thought Communication


{[System Acitvating...Success! Continuing The Story]}

"I see. Well rest in piece, Shizu. I hope you will have a better life when you are born again" Yoriichi prayed

Shizu died, as Rimuru now has a new goal, to fulfull Shizu's goals, and erase(?) Shizu's lingering regrets.

As Yoriichi finished praying he gave Rimuru the shirt that Shizu wore. As Rimuru wear the shirt, the trio went in as they were dumbstrucked. They were confused to say the least.

Ranga then went in as he called Rimuru. The trio were now shocked to know that the "girl" that is in the middle of the room was Rimuru. Ellen was the first one to speak.

"U-umm, Rimuru did you eat Shizu-san as you did to Ifrit?"

"Yes, this is the only burial that I can give. I'm sorry that I didn't asked you guys first."

"No! It's fine, if it's Shizu-san's request it can't be helped." Gido said

"Yeah, it's just that she's gone and it's sad. If she was still here we can still come back to Blumund alive." Kaval said

"Hey! Like you don't know who always cause the monsters to chase us!"

"At least I didn't fell in a pit!"

They argued with each other for a while.

'This truly suits them more' Rimuru thought


They were about to leave then remembered something. They requested for Rimuru to transform into his human form. As Rimuru finish his transformation they thanked Shizu, Rimuru was confused at first but remembered that his human form looked like Shizu. Kaval and Gido bowed while Ellen hugged Rimuru. Rimuru then pointed out that their gears were.. shabby.

They got their new gear and were amazed by it. These were high quality gear. As Rimuru introduced the dwarves they immediately greeted them.

'These guys were famous huh?'

While all of these happened Yoriichi was training his body more and then created 4 more forms of ice breathing. Rimuru took notice that he hasn't seen Yoriichi for a while.

When the trio left Rimuru then started to search for Yoriichi. When he found him he hid his presence as to not get noticed. Yoriichi was training hard. He pushed his body to the limit, Rimuru watched as he was amazed on how determined Yoriichi is on training. Then a thought cross his mind,

'Why does he was to be even more stronger!?'


Yoriichi trained for a while and now he is standing still, sword at hand. He then took a stance.

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