Chapter 18

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Umm... I don't know what to put here... hahaha... Uhh... Thank you? In the last update I mean... I'm sorry if it's annoying or something... should I change it? Next time if this reached 725 votes... I'll put in a bit more organized information about me... I'll add some stuff as well... I'll put it in a separate book so I'll give the link later in my conversation tab thingy on my account...

Hope you'll enjoy the story and have a nice day... Rei will be back...


Last time someone took Muzan from my body and I got it back! Once Muzan left with Rei, my mindscape went bright as I woke up in my body...

"Where am I?" I ask before I felt pain all over my body.

"AAAGGGHHHHH!!!!" I screamed as my ears were ringing. I endured the pain for a few seconds. As those seconds pass by the ringings on my ear has subsided as I was knocked out... not before hearing footsteps though.

{[Changing Perspective Yoriichi > Narrator]}

As Yoriichi blacked out, people rushed in... it was Rimuru, Shuna, and surprisingly... Veldora

As they walked towards him, they see that the "birthmark" that was on his forehead has spread. The mark has spread to his right arm, how did they know you may ask... Well, they saw it of course! His clothes were loose as somehow he shrinked a bit, he is now at the size of a 8 years old kid.

(A/n: Oh I bet you know where this is going)

Rimuru then asked Raphael, why did Yoriichi turned into a child and Raphael can only say that it was a work of somebody powerful...

Rimuru then noticed a letter beside Yoriichi as he took it and then read it...
It says...

───── ❝ ❞ ─────
"Hehehe... have fun with my little gift... Rimuru"
───── ❝ ❞ ─────

After reading the letter, Rimuru was clearly annoyed... this was the work of Rei... a person who helped them with the situation with Yoriichi...

After Rimuru calmed down he then burned the letter to dust as it irritates him... He then called Michikatsu and the kijins minus Kurobe...

Once they arrived Michikatsu saw Yoriichi laying on the bed as a kid... He then slaps himself hard... this confused the others as they looked at him... wierdly

"U-umm...why did you slapped yourself?" Shuna asked with worry laced on her voice making Michikatsu blush a little...

"Uhh... *sigh* Well... we now have to take care of a silent child" Michikatsu said as he was in disbelief... his brother turned back into a child.

"What do you mean by silent?" Benimaru asked as Michikatsu recalled the memories he had of his brother.

"Well... he is quiet he doesn't say a word when we were kids until one day he did and he started to talk bit by bit... he doesn't express his emotions as well, he will always have that blank face... he will always be at our mother's side, as well" Michikatsu said as this intrigued Hakurou...

Hakurou looks at Yoriichi analyzing him... While the others are talking to each other about who should take care of Yoriichi.

After Hakurou averted his eyes on Yoriichi, he began to show signs of movement... Yoriichi woke up... he opened his eyes, not knowing who he was or where he is...

When he laid eyes on Rimuru as he was the first one Yoriichi saw... like a baby birb he immediately thought Rimuru was his mother...

He then did something that shocked the others... he clinged on Rimuru... Michikatsu only snickered at his brother's actions as Rimuru was too shocked to do anything about it...

'Eh? What? Why is he clinging on to me?' Rimuru thought questioned himself through his thoughts as Raphael answered,

{(Answer. Yoriichi probably thought of you as his mother as he seems to forgot his memories back when he was a child)}

After Raphael said that, Rimuru turned into a tomato...Michikatsu noticed this as he had a mischievous smirk planted on his face...

"Oh! If you're wondering why he is clinging on to you Rimuru... *chuckle* He probably thought of you as his mother" Michikatsu couldn't hold it as he began to laugh...

Benimaru, Shuna, and Hakurou snickered at the thought of their lord being a mother... Meanwhile, Souei left as he went on to look for threats that might interrupt the moment that they have.

Rimuru on the other hand... became redder, it wasn't thought to be possible that red can be more redder until now... Rimuru was in shambles... he was trying to deny it but he stuttered a lot and they don't understand him as Michikatsu laughed more... Rimuru can only stay quiet looking down at Yoriichi who was looking back at him...

Yoriichi was cute all of a sudden that's what Rimuru thought as he gave hin a head pat earning him a a bright smile.

Yoriichi's smile doesn't get unnoticed by Michikatsu, again...

"W-what?" Michikatsu was out of words... Yoriichi smiled... as a child... a moment that he never got to see, happened in front of him...

Before the others notice, Yoriichi reverted his face back into the usual blank one. Rimuru, the cause of the smile was smiling as well but his mind is a complete... utter... mess...

'That was so cuuuuttteee!!! My weakness! Aaaaaahhh!!' Basically let's say Rimuru became Mitsuri for a few seconds before calming down reverting bacl to his normal self.

'What was that?' Rimuru thought as he is questioning himself if that was him or someone else possessing him...

Rimuru kneeled down so that Yoriichi can clim on his back as he gestured him to... and so he did. Yoriichi climed on Rimuru's back as he stand back up and was ready to walk away.

"Everyone! I'll be out with little Yoriichi here... and don't worry... we'll be back!" Rimuru said as everyone except Michikatsu nodded, suprised to see Rimuru so happy.


Ayup! How is your day? Feeling good? That's great... and to those people who have read this and are doing all-nighters... please rest... I don't know your situation but please try...

As for me, I'm doing fine... I got a bit of a mental boost since then...

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and the story so far... and I'll see you in the next one...


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