Chapter 2

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Hello! Welcome to the 2nd chapter!!
I'm sorry if there is not much of switching perspective from time to time.
But that's just it! I hope you will enjoy the story and chapters either way!! See you at the bottom of the chapter!!

{[System]} - Announcement or actions done by the system

{Voice Of The World} - Announcement or actions from the Voice of The World as narration

{Voice Of The World} - Voice of The World in the story

"Hello!" - Someone talking

'Welcome to my Mind!' - Someone thinking

[Name] - name of a skill

{(Announcement)} - Skill talking

(In Bold Text) - Me talking


{[System Acitvating...Success! Continuing The Story]}

"Why do you act like you know a lot about the demon slayers and the demons? Why is that?"


Yoriichi asked me a question that I didn't want him to ask.

'Oh noo!! What should I say? If I answer truthfully he might be suspicious of me! Uuugghh.'

It took me a while to make an excuse, well for me it took a while but thanks to [Great Sage] I managed to make an excuse. I tried to ask [Great Sage] for help, she ignored me, and yes I called [Great Sage] a she. Anyways she ignored me, probably not knowing what the problem is, but she used the [Thought Acceleration] to increase my thinking speed, and I came up with an excuse.

"Well.. you see I remembered a story that was told to me and my friend when we were kids in my era. His grandfather always told us this story about the demon slayers and demons. Of course we don't believe it, at first but now that I see a person that has encountered a demon.. I now believed that it is true, but it's too late now I guess."

Yoriichi gave me an "I see" nod.

"That does make sense, but I'm greatful that the story is being passed on. Sorry for suspecting you." Yoriichi bowed as he apologized

"N-no, it's f-fine. I understand you, I would suspect myself I was in your boots."

Yoriichi only gave me a confused look

'Ah! Right! He doesn't know these statements knowing he came from the Sengoku Era'

"Ahem, what I mean is, I would also suspect myself I were you"

"Ah! I see, thank you for understanding"

"Of course! Anytime."




We are now in a line waiting for our turn to enter Dwargon, in which is inside a mountain. The Patrol Team, was sent back by me.

While we were waiting, some random group started to mess with us. They were toxic with their words. Gobta told me it's only just the fate of the weak.

"Excuse me, but can you please not cause a ruckus?" Yoriichi said

'Oh no. Please do not anger Yoriichi here, my friends. You will regret it.'

I wished for them to not provoke Yoriichi, as it would cause a scene.

"Huh!? You there! Come! Join us! Join us here, we're gonna do some fun stuff with this goblin and slime."

After the guy in the group, most likely to be their leader, said. Some people started to take notice, one person went to fetch a guard to stop the ruckus. I looked at Yoriichi trying to see his reaction, but I only was met by a calm demeanor. He was calm. He then said,

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