Bonus Chapter

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Notice: As you might see... I'm slowly starting to not put the system or use it as much as I did... I'm might use it rarely now or maybe not.

Now, for Yoriichi's strength. He is not stronger than a true dragon, it's just Veldora being paranoid because of the similarity of Yoriichi's aura to his sister...

That's all I wanted to say! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!


"Huh? Who's this kid, Yoriichi?" Michikatsu asked Yoriichi upon seeing a 'child' clinging on the latter.

"Huh?! Who 'Child' are you talking to!?" The 'child' asked in a threatening voice but to the two men... it was a cute voice trying to threaten them...

"What are you talking about? You are a child... so stop denying it" Michikatsu said as we can see a vein showing on the 'child's' forehead.

"Huuu!! That's it!" The 'child' said as she stopped clinging on Yoriichi and then punched Michikatsu in the gut, sending him flying through the town.

"Milim... You shouldn't do that... at least let me tell him first... He didn't know who you are" Yoriichi said as Milim gained a depressive aura around her.

"A-are you mad at me, aniki?" She asked as tears threatening to come out... Basically, she tried to trick Yoriichi through her cuteness... but it didn't work.

"That... won't work on me, Milim. Now come with me, you'll have to apologize" He said as Milim gave in. They then went to find Michikatsu, who we can see, full of grime on his clothes and bruises all over his body.

"W-what was t-that" Michikatsu muttered as he lost consciousness.

{[Time Jump]}

Michikatsu opened his eyes to see he is in a room. He was laying down on a bed, and the room was the same as the ones that can be found in the Demon Slayer Headquarters...

Let's say he was confused... He thought he was back in their world and is wondering if he is still human or not. His thoughts were stopped when the door slid open to reveal Yoriichi.

"Yoriichi! Are we back?" He asked still confused.

"Hm? Haha, no we are not... we are currently in our own home..." Yoriichi said smiling at Michikatsu.

"Huh? Then did you request this?" Michikatsu asked Yoriichi.

"No... surprisingly, Rimuru is the one who wanted to build this for us" Yoriichi said his smile still visible on his face.

"I see... but... the room... it's like the Demon Slayer Headquarters... Did you told him?" Michikatsu asked Yoriichi.

"I didn't... the whole house or should I say... estate is the same as Ubayashiki's Estate..." Yoriichi answered, suspicious of Rimuru's knowledge, but deep down he knows why Rimuru knew about the estate.

'I remember it being like a show... what was it?' Yoriichi questioned in his thoughts... little did he know, the memories of his old life are slowly fading away.

"Hmm... how about we ask him?" Michikatsu proposed as he wanted to know how Rimuru knew about the Ubayashiki's estate's structure.

"I guess we should... and also, the "child" that you were talking to was Milim... a demon lord they say... one of the strongest people in this world" Yoriichi said as he then place an item on the desk that is at the side of the bed that Michikatsu was laying on.

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