Chapter 13

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Hello, welcome to chapter 13! I hope that you will enjoy the chapter! Also sorry if the story is dry and rushed, I'm sorry! I just noticed Anyways, see you at the bottom of the chapter!

{[System]} - Announcement or actions done by the system

{Voice Of The World} - Voice of The World basically

"Hello!" - Someone talking

'Welcome to my Mind!' - Someone thinking

[Name] - name of a skill

[(Announcement)] - [Great Sage] talking

(Me: Hello!!) - Me talking

「Hi!」-Thought Communication

(Name) - someone possessing or controlling one's body


{[System Acitvating...Success! Continuing The Story]}

"Oh? So he started his evolution huh?" Keizo said as he was watching the scene through a hologram

"Yeah, from the looks of it he will start the resurrection. Wonder what will their reaction be once they learned that they can't revive Yoriichi?" Reziko said

"Of course they'll be depressed, don't you have common sense? Even a kid would know" Keizo said insulting Reziko

"I know that they'll be depressed but what I meant is what will they do? After all, we know that Muzan will take over Yoriichi's body, it'll only be a matter of time he wakes up" Reziko said

"Oh, that's what you meant. Well, now that you mentioned it, I'm kinda interested as well. All that we could do is wait, I guess" Keizo said agreeing with Reziko

"Yeah I guess you're right" Reziko said

"I can't wait to meet them though" Reziko added


Ranga was speeding through the forest as he arrived at the gates. He sped through the town towards the plaza as he threw the two men and stopped in front of Benimaru.

"Okay, someone fetch me a fabric his [Thermal Fluctuation Resistance] might not be functioning!" Benimaru shouted as Shuna took Rimuru and placed him on a throne-like chair

Benimaru covered Rimuru with a fabric, as Shuna told Ranga and Grucius to guard the gates outside the barrier.

After that the whole nation went silent, no one was moving, talking, or whispering. They were waiting, waiting for their master to come back after his evolution.

Suddenly they hear a voice, The Voice of The World.

{Rimuru Tempest is evolving into a demon lord, all monsters under their lineage will be given a gift}

They were surprised is all that can be said.

"So The Voice of the World huh?" Hakurou asked himself

"Was that The Voice of The World?" Shuna asked

"Everyone! Lord Rimuru has done his part and now we must do ours! We must protect him!" Benimaru shouted

We can hear chattering from the crowd. Then they began to feel dizzy, the others started to fall on the floor or ground as they were unconscious or sleeping(?). They were falling one by one, the rest already fell as only Benimaru struggles to stand.

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