Chapter 9

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{[System]} - Announcement or actions done by the system

{Voice Of The World} - Voice of The World basically

"Hello!" - Someone talking

'Welcome to my Mind!' - Someone thinking

[Name] - name of a skill

[(Announcement)] - [Great Sage] talking

(Me: Hello!!) - Me talking

「Hi!」-Thought Communication


{[System Acitvating...Success! Continuing The Story]}

"We need your help. Charybdis has been released"

"Okay, but who are you? And what's with the aura?" Rimuru asked

"My name is Trya, Treyni's sister. Don't mind the aura, the problem is Charybdis has been revived and is released. Right now it's heading towards this town"

"Sorry, but what is Charybdis?" Rimuru asked confused about the situation

"Charybdis is a Calamity class Monster, it was born through a cloud of Veldora-sama's magicules. It can be said that it is Veldora-sama's child." Trya explained

'Wait. What if Charybdis is going here cause it sensed Veldora inside of me?' Rimuru thought

"Rimuru! I can deal with Charybdis!" Milim proposed

'Yes! That's right we have Milim! She can deal with it!' Rimuru thought as he thought that they're safe

"Y-" Rimuru said but gets interrupted by Shion

"No Milim-sama, it's our problem so we don't need your help" Shion said

'What!? Shion noo! Don't!' Rimuru thought as he lost their savior

"W-what!? B-but!" Milim tried to protest but gets cut by Shion

"No, Milim-sama. No means no"

"*sigh* Shion don't be harsh to her. Milim we'll call you if we need your help. For the meantime, you can do anything, but do not interfere with the fight until told so and don't go wrecking things" I said

"R-really!?" Milim asked

"Mhm" I said as I nodded and Milim jumped up high, happy that she can help if needed and can do anything she wants


We held a meeting to talk about the Charybdis problem.

"So as we heard a calamity class monster is heading here. The monster's name is Charybdis"

"C-Charybdis!? It got released!?" Most of the executives asked, shocked by the news

"Yes, and right now we need to prepare to fight it"


(Me: I'll skip the meeting part cause... lazy *yawns*)


We are now at the road that leads to Dwargon. We were prepared to fight Charybdis. We have the Geld and his men, Gabiru and his friends, the Kijins, Dwargon's elite knights, the Goblin Riders, Ranga, Michikatsu, Me, Rimuru, and Milim which is currently taking a nap.

A few minutes later, Charybdis can be seen slowly flying towards us with gigantic flying sharks that are called Megalodon. Ironic right? The same name that we gave to the extinct species of shark, the Megalodon.

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