Chapter Twenty Three

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*Hyejoo's POV*
If someone had told me a month ago that I'd be walking around with a cane to support my sprained ankle, I would've called them crazy. And yet here I was, forced by my friends to use a literal stick to be able to walk and attend the party that Heejin was hosting (once again) in her house. I expected this to happen, of course. After all, we won the finals. We were the champions. But, the victory didn't feel sweet to me at all. I almost ruined it because of my horrible performance and put the team in a difficult position. And, adding to everything, my lack of concentration was caused by nothing else but a girl whose heart I broke because of my own cowardice and stupidity.
And to whom I still couldn't dare to speak to.
It had been a week, and I hadn't even said hello to her. Not even once. Instead, I ran away every time I saw her and avoided her like the plague. And I'd have to do the same thing at the party. Which I didn't want to attend at all.
Perfect. Just perfect.
"Okay, we're here, someone help Hyejoo with getting out"- Sooyoung said as she got out of the car.

"That someone could have easily been you but whatever, I guess. Come on, Hye, we're getting out"- Jungeun said and helped me step out, making sure that I was standing firmly before letting me go.

"This is so pathetic"- I said and slightly groaned.

"It's not, Hyejoo-yah, it's actually pretty cool. You should treat it as a very heroic battle wound"- Jiwoo said and smiled, but even her positivity wasn't helpful.

"I would have been fine with it if it were heroic"- I said under my breath, but Jinsol managed to hear me.

"Shit happens, Hyejoo, you can't stay like that forever. Having some fun won't hurt, even if you're disappointed with yourself"- she said this and winked. I didn't have any other choice but to follow everyone inside. When we went in, me and Sooyoung were immediately met with a wave of clapping, probably a way to thank us for the win. The rest of the team was there as well.

"Hey, you've arrived"- Ryujin said as she approached us- "I'd like for you guys to meet someone very important to me... well, you've technically met before but that doesn't count. In any case, this is my girlfriend, Choi Jisu".

"Your girlfriend?"- I asked, as that was some brand new information.

"Oh, yeah, she told us about her today after the match but you weren't there"- Sooyoung said to me and then diverted her attention to the other girl- "well, hello again, Choi Jisu. This time we meet on friendly terms".

"Yeah, that's true. Well, we might have lost but I'm happy for all of you. Honestly, you guys played much better than everyone this year, so it was much deserved. We won't let you off the hook that easily though"- she said and nudged Ryujin who was beside her, which made the taller girl slightly giggle.

"By the way, Hyejoo, is it? I hope your ankle is doing well"- she suddenly said to me.

"Oh, yeah, it's fine. I only sprained it so it will be as good as new in a week... or so I'm hoping".

"Okay, I'm enjoying this conversation but can we get drinks already?"- Jungeun said.

"You've never been this right before, Jungie. Please excuse us"- Jinsol said and grabbed Jungeun's hand, dragging her to the drinks. The next ones to leave were Ryujin and Jisu, and I was left with Jiwoo and Sooyoung. I soon realized that I was literally third wheeling, so I decided to walk away and take my usual seat at every party- the couch. And so I sat, waiting for Yerim to arrive. She said that she would be a little late because of some extra curricular activity and Yeojin stayed to wait for her. So, the ones missing were Yeojin & Yerim, Haseul and Vivi (who also said that they'd be late) and...
As much as I wanted for it to stay this way, the moment I thought of her, as if she was reading my mind, I heard some noise from the side of the entrance, so I looked in that direction. And I saw her. Looking like an absolute angel, as always, seemingly trying once again to be well dressed for a party. She was followed by Vivi and Haseul, who were the ones who probably brought her here, but I just couldn't take my eyes off her. She walked through the room, each and every step she took feeling like needles stinging my heart, and then she passed me. She got so close to me that I could smell her perfume. I was sure that she didn't notice me, as I tried my best to not be noticed by her, but she had passed me, and I realized that this was the closest I had been to her for the last week.
I just couldn't get enough of her beauty. I kept my glance on her even when the only thing I could see was her back.
And this was when I realized it.
Chaewon was doing perfectly fine without me, looking amazing, coming here to have fun, to meet her friends.
And then, there I was without her. On the couch, alone, with a sprained ankle, looking and feeling like shit.
Chaewon would be just fine without me in her life. She would just move on, find something else or someone else to focus on. But I would be left in the dirt.
I couldn't help but wonder if this was the way the universe was making me pay for hurting her, but I had to agree with the fact that it was working like a charm.
Karma really is a bitch.
*Chaewon's POV*
The moment I came into the house, my eyes diverted to the one familiar place where I wanted to find her. And I did. She was sitting in true Son Hyejoo fashion: all dressed in black, alone, looking bored out of her mind. The fact that she was this consistent almost made me laugh. But, seeing her there reminded me of the very first party I attended in college. The one where everything between us went down, when we kissed. Again, no matter where I go, memories of her always come rushing to my mind.
The further I stepped, the more I realized that I would have to pass her. I saw Heejin and Hyunjin at the end of the room. I decided to focus my eyes on them, but it felt as if my gaze was begging me to let me let it divert to Hyejoo at least once.
One step forward. I'm now two steps away from being right in front of her.
Second step forward. One step between us.
What if I look at her now?... no, I can't. I shouldn't.
Third step forward and I'm now right in front of her, feeling her burning stare.
If I were to look at her right now, our eyes would meet, wouldn't they?
Does she even know that I noticed her?... no, she probably doesn't.
She probably hopes I didn't.
This fourth step feels like an eternity.

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