cHaPtEr 1

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Qibli POV: 

Qibli was heading back to his cave, his talons full of books and folders from the busy day of learning at Jade Mountain Academy. When he reached the cave, Moonwatcher was sitting in the corner with her back to the cave mouth. Qibli put his books down and walked over to her. 

"Hey babe. You all good?" He placed a talon under her chin and she looked up at him, her eyes tired. She shook her head. 

"Qibli... we- we have to talk." She sighed, standing up, not meeting Qibli's eyes. 


"I can't do this anymore, Qibli." She burst out. Qibli faltered.

"Can't do what... Moon, what's wrong?" He brought his arms up and held gently onto Moon's elbows, feeling her shake.

"I'm can't do this!" She threw her arms up and waved them around Qibli and the cave. 

"I can't do us, Qibli. Me and you are over. You never spend time with me anymore, you're always off hunting or-or hanging out with Winter." There was an added tone of disgust when she said Winter, as if she had eaten a rotten mouse and couldn't get the taste out of her mouth. 


"No buts, Qibli. Take your deceiving snout somewhere else. I'm done with you." Moon glared, and Qibli collected his books, threw his pouch over his shoulder and bolted out of the cave, biting his tongue to hold back tears. 

He looked for the closest empty cave, threw his stuff on the floor and hopped up on the cold stone bed. He covered his eyes with his wings, feeling tears stream down his snout. 

Sorry this was a little short, this is my first fan fiction so the chapters will probably get longer and better as the story goes on.

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