cHaPtEr 8

901 11 9

POV: Winter 

Winter stood, glowering into the backs of the sandwing and nightwing. Of course Qibli didn't like him; he was back with Moon. He was an idiot to even hope that sand snorter had feelings for him. He stormed off, muttering to himself and shooting death glares at any dragons with enough nerve to cross his path.

When Winter reached his cave, he pulled out every scroll from the scroll rack and spread them out across the room. He used his tail to sweep the scrolls around, and accidentally knocked to scroll rack over with a loud CRASH. He smiled slightly, and picked up a few of Qibli's drawings. He opened one up, and was taken aback. It was an icewing. It actually looked like Winter. He just shook out his wings and shred them up, his sharp, icey talons piercing the icewing's inky face. He spread out the shreds of paper along Qibli's bed. Well, Winter's bed actually. He then lied down, spreading his wings out as far as they could go. 

——————Time skip, like an hour————————

"Ummm- Winter? What's... going on? Are you ok?" Winter looked up, and, surprise surprise, it was Queen Thorns's sand snorter betrayer. 

"Get. Out. Of. Here." Winter put on his dirtiest glare and harshest voice. Qibli stepped back, folding his wings in and hunched down, eyeing the room nervously. 

"Winter... what's happening? No! My history scrolls..." He looked over to the ripped up drawings, and Winter saw his wings wrap tighter around himself. 

"They're not your stupid history scrolls. I've seen your lame drawings - what, are you drawing icewings now?  Why not draw Moon if you love her soooooo much. Why would you even care about icewings? You know what, I'm done with this. GET OUT OF MY CAVE YOU MOON LICKING, TALON WRINGING HORROR SHOW OF A DRAGON." 

Winter slumped over, burying his face in his wings to hide the pain it caused him to yell at Qibli. He doesn't like you he doesn't like you shut up brain your feelings are worthless he loves Moon not you he could never be yours.

Qibli didn't say anything. He shook his head and ran off, grabbing his library pouch as he left. He stopped a few steps from the entrance and looked back at Winter with a face full of tears.

"I guess it's happening again." 

And then he was gone before Winter could stop him. 

Sand and Ice (A Qinter fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now