cHaPtEr 9

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POV QIBLI (kind of turns into Sunny's POV): 

Qibli ran down the halls, his vision blurred with tears. He turned a corner and banged his head on the wall. He shook his head and kept going, his anxious thoughts eating away at his heart. (Was that too much...?)

Of course he doesn't like you Qibli... 

I'm just a sandwing... 

What did I do?

I was stupid to get my hopes up...

Why did I even bother trying?

Whatever... I don't care...

Ok I do care...

It hurts...

————————-time skip like 5 minutes—————


Qibli was standing out front of Sunny's study cave. She had her back turned and was going through a stack of scrolls, a line of worry creasing her forehead. 

"Sunny c-can I talk-k to you...?" Qibli stuttered, wiping tears from his eyes.

"Just a sec, Qibli." She looked up and smiled, then, seeing Qibli's pain, brought a talon up to her snout and covered her mouth in shock.

"Oh my gosh, what happened?!" 

Qibli shook his head and wrapped his wings around himself. 

"Do you want to go somewhere else?" Sunny suggested, her voice as soft as feathers. Qibli nodded, not looking up.

Sunny lead him along, into one of the caves near the back of JMA. She lit a small fire and sat down, letting Qibli lean into her side. She placed a wing gently around him, and sighed. 

"Do you want to tell me what happened now?" She prompted. Qibli nodded again, wiping his eyes and taking in a shuddering breath.

"S-so it started about a month a-and a half ago. I was dating Moon and s-she broke up with me..." Qibli explained the entire story, from his crush on Winter, to the fly to the cave by the forest. He mentioned how he thought Winter liked him back, but then was kicked out of the cave for some reason. By the end, he was staring into his talons, his chest heaving with sobs. Sunny ran a talon lightly over his wing. 

"Wow... you've gone through a lot this past month." She looked into the fire, her face serious. 

"Relationships and crushes are hard. I remember my first crush quite well." Qibli looked up, his expression suddenly curious. Sunny felt a blush form along her snout at the thought of her first love, and ducked her head. 

"Who was it?"

There was an awkward pause.



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