Chapter 14

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Ok hi guys! It's BubblySodaWater again, I'm so so sorry I haven't updated in a while!

2 weeks later...

Winter POV:

The cave was too warm. Qibli was too warm. Yes, he loves him, but he's a sandwing and Winter's an icewing. They don't match. WHY WON'T KINKAJOU SIT DOWN, THREE MOONS. She has too much energy. It's exhausting being around everyone. Moon had her head buried in a scroll, and Turtle was cleaning up the remains of the last scroll Peril had burned (Winter isn't fond of Peril - she's dangerous and doesn't seem to care about anything.) while she sat there looking bored.

"Hey Icy, you okay?" 

That sand snorter. Used my dreaded nickname. But he's Winter's boyfriend, so he let it slip.

"I'm fine. Just getting a headache being around these... imbeciles."

Peril looked up at him, an offended look on her face. 

"Excuse me. I am AMAZING I'll have you know."

Winter sighs and rolls his eyes, and Qibli leans into him, giggling. Gosh he has an adorable laugh. What has happened to me? I've gone so soft... mother would have been so disappointed in me... He thinks, his mind leaving the argument with Peril.

"OKAY SO. The PROPHECY. I have and IDEA! GUYS LISTEN I HAVE AN IDEA!" Kinkajou burst out, flailing her assaulting bright coloured wings in everyone's faces. Moon rubbed her head and looked up.

"Yes, Kinkajou?"

"WELL. I think that the unexpected romance is WINTER AND QIBLI! BECAUSE Winter is an icewing, and he's mean and cold," Winter opened his mouth to protest, but Qibli placed a single claw in front of his snout, telling him nicely to shut up.

"And Qibli is a sandwing, and he's super nice and funny," Kinkajou continued.

"And everyone thought they were both in love with Moon," Moon flinched at this statement.

"SO NO ONE EXPECTED THEM TO BE TOGETHER! I KNOW I'M A GENIUS!" Everyone went silent. Both Qibli and Moon wouldn't look at him. Winter tried to think of something to break the awkward silence, but nothing came to mind. It's Sunny who broke the silence. 

"Hey Qibli? Can I um, steal you for a second?" Sunny poked her head around the corner, and her happiness was unbearable. Qibli smiled and got up to go with her, and Winter felt a pang of jealously that Sunny and Qibli knew something that Winter didn't. 

All he could do was hope that Qibli loved Winter as much as Winter loved him.

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