cHaPtEr 5

982 7 42

POV: Qibli

With the wind pouring over his wings and Winter by his side, Qibli felt like the happiest dragon alive. Ok, so it wasn't hot like the desert, but it was close. He lead Winter over a valley of trees, then swiftly turned to an exposed cave. It was small, but had a beautiful view of the forest and a lake.

Qibli landed on the edge of the cave, Winter closely behind. He turned around to see the icewing staring out at the forest and lake, his handsome blue-white face morphed into a dazed expression. Qibli couldn't hold back a snigger. It looked so unlike Winter! He whipped his head around and glared at Qibli, but without the usual hostility he gave when glaring at someone. 

"Where you seriously just laughing at me?!" Qibli's contained snigger imploded into a loud snort followed by a laugh. Winter just stood next to him, no doubtingly judging the weirdness of him. Winter rolled his eyes and sat down at the entrance of the cave. Soon after his breakdown, Qibli joined him.

"Hey Qibli..."

"Yeah? I'm sorry for the laughing breakdown-"

"No it's not about that. Before we left, when you said you were going to take Moon here but she's not the one. What in all of Pyrrhia did you mean by that?" He glared at Qibli again, this time it wasn't a playful glare. Qibli blushed and got nervous, trying to hold back tears. No- no no no... Winter found out- no my stupid big mouth...  no no no... 

"Winter I..."

"Spit it out, sand snorter. I want an answer." Winter's voice was dripping with icicles (well I mean he is an icewing soooo-) Qibli's tail started shaking and he slid it under his left leg, hoping Winter didn't notice. He closed his eyes for a split second and took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

"Winter... this is going to sound weird... I'm sorry... but I..."

Sand and Ice (A Qinter fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now