cHaPtEr 15

576 4 5

Qibli POV:

Qibli followed Sunny through the hallway and into the main hall. She sighed and smiled, and wouldn't look Qibli in the eye.

"All right, moon eyes. What's up?" Qibli raised an eyebrow, guessing what had happened. Sunny pursed her lips and squealed quietly.

"She said yes! Qibli, Fatespeaker said yes! I'm dating Fatespeaker! Qibli!" She jumped up and then hugged Qibli, suffocating him.

"That's amazing Sunny! I'm so happy for you! Can you please let go of me before I hyperventilate and die. I would really like to be at the wedding." To that, Sunny let go of Qibli and stepped back, blushing. She beamed, and Qibli was glad that she was happy.

"Alright I should get back to my friends. See you later!" Qibli waved and walked off, a goofy smile plastered on his face. 

—-———Like a few minute time gap————

Qibli stood outside the cave and took a deep breath. He had to keep himself together, especially around Winter. Around his boyfriend. He walked into the cave and smiled.

"Hey, sorry about that. What have we found?"

"Nothing yet..." Moon said the same time Winter spat "And what was that about?"

Moon gave Winter a scowl, but didn't say anything. Qibli was so confused. What, does he think I'm cheating on him with Sunny or something? She's like my sister.

"What do you mean what was that about? Am I not allowed to talk to my friends?"

Peril and Turtle shared a look, and Kinkajou was staring at the ceiling - the quietest she'd been all day. 

Winter shook his head and hissed.

"Look, forget about it." Qibli picked up his scrolls and stormed out of the cave, but he ducked into the empty cave beside it. He heard Peril snarl at Winter.

"Great boyfriend you are. Aren't you going to go after him?"

That really set Winter off.


Qibli saw Winter run past the cave he was hiding in, his eyes squeezed shut. That's when he realised-

Three moons, he's crying!

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