cHaPtEr 6

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POV: Winter

Winter stared stone cold into Qibli's marble like eyes. He was terrified of the answer, but he needed to know. Don't let your guard down, Winter. Don't let him see how you feel. 

"Winter... this is going to sound weird... I'm sorry... I..." Qibli paused and took a deep breath, as if considering what to say to Winter.

"I slipped words, ok. It's nothing."

"Well it's obviously not nothing. Tell me now." 

"Winter it's just-" Qibli sighed. (Another deep breath. Really Qibli?)

"This is the place I asked Moon out, ok. This was a special spot I was going to take her to remind us of when I asked her out." His voice faltered.

"But she broke up with me, so I never got to take her here again..."

Winter forced a slightly disgusted look and peered over at Qibli.

"So you're calling me special. And you wanted to take me here?" Qibli looked taken aback when Winter stated his 'specialness', and that gave Winter a twinge of happiness in his stomach, soon filled by a pit of guilt and anger at himself. 

"No! No... it's just... ok, I miss this place. I come here a lot by myself, but I gets lonely ok. I thought if I would bring my best friend, then it would be... uh... a little less lonely." He looked up, a sad smile plastered on his face. Winter looked back out to the forest of greens and browns, considering what Qibli had just said. Although he tried to act like he didn't notice, he heard Qibli mutter;

"Three moons, this is awkward."

Soon enough, it started raining lightly. Qibli suggested they go back before it started pouring, and Winter, while reluctant to leave the beautiful spot they were in, agreed. It'll give me time to process everything. 

——- ———————————————  Time skip I can't be bothered writing ————————————

As they were flying, the rain got heavier. He looked over at Qibli, who was covered in raindrops. The rain reflected his light yellow scales darker in spots, making him look a bit like honeycomb. How do I even know what honeycomb looks like?

Eventually they got to the entrance of JMA. They landed and Winter shook the rain of his wings, splashing Qibli in the process. He just giggled, and Winter gave him a mock hurt look. 

"Wellthatwasfun. Thanks." Qibli burst out. 

"Oh. Uh. Ok. See you later I guess." Winter went to walk away, but Qibli pulled him into a hug. At first, Winter tried to pull away, but ended up enjoying the simple warm embrace. When Qibli finally let go, Winter stepped back, blushing. 

"Never. Do that again." He saw Qibli smile, a full hearted smile, and Winter couldn't help but smile too. 

Maybe... maybe he could actually be my boyfriend... 

Sand and Ice (A Qinter fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now