cHaPtEr 3

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Qibli POV: 

Qibli was heartbroken. Of course he was, Moon broke up with him. But he got over it alarmingly quick. They stayed friends. Kind of. Moon was maybe sort of always avoiding him, but it would all be ok. He was spending the majority of his time with Winter (Nothing weird. Just good quality best friends time. Yes.) and Umber, who had gotten a boyfriend a week ago. Qibli was thrillied.

"Hey Winter, hey Qibli." The sandwing and icewing were 'studying' - Winter was actually studying where as Qibli was drawing on the corners of his history scrolls. They looked up to see Umber and another mudwing approaching. The two mudwings sat down next to Qibli, and Umber opened up his history scroll. 

"This is Barro." Barro looked up, smiling shyly. He was a skinny, tan - brown dragon with gangly limbs, a missing talon on his left and a single black stud earring in each ear. 

"I met him a few weeks ago, by a marsh in the lower mudwing village." Umber paused to look at Barro.

"We're dating now."

Qibli watched them together. When the cave got suddenly cold (Winter probably got mad with his history), Barro put a wing over Umbers shoulders. I want that! Qibli fantasised a time where he had someone like that. Oddly, his mind skipped right over Moon. 

And went straight to Winter.  

—- —  Time gap coz I am lazyyyyy - —- —- 

It was peaceful at JMA, with Kinkajou visiting Queen Glory in the rainforest, Moon completely ignoring Qibli and him being totally jealous of the adorable relationship Barro and Umber had. Qibli sat in his cave (well, Winter's cave...), reminiscing everything. He felt a cool wave of air come through, and his heart did something stupid and happy as he realised Winter was coming. 

"Hey Prince Icy."

"Hey sand snorter. What you doing?"

"Just... thinking."

"About what?" Qibli was not going to answer that, as he was thinking about a certain cold, chilly, royal, icey, handsome- That's enough Qibli. He's just a friend. We could never be together anyway... 

"Well... everything I, uh, guess." Qibli felt his face go hot and hoped Winter didn't notice.

"Wanna go for a fly?"


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