cHaPtEr 13

744 6 29

(The letter "Ecs" Won't work for some reason so I'll put a: * for that letter) Hey, It's Qibli*Winter again! This story now has joined authors, but credits to chapters 1-9 go to BubblySodaWater. From now on, we will just put, BubblySodaWater: or QiblixWinter: So yeah, Enjoy the chapter!


"Same here. Well... except Thorn. You deserve to be treated with so much care and love, Winter. You can be a little mean or bossy sometimes but that is nothing compared to the amazing person you have tucked inside.

 I love you, Winter." 

Qibli said, staring into Winter's deep, sapphire blue eyes.

"I love you too, Qibli. But right now, we don't have time for your meaningful, heart-warming speeches. We have to go tell people about... us."

Qibli nodded, his face blushing at the thought of them being a couple. His dreams had come true. He had found his true love.

"Who should we tell first?" Winter asked.

Hmm.. Who's the calmest or supporter- est? Qibli thought.

He assumed Winter was thinking of the same thing because they both shouted: "Turtle!" at the same time.

"LESSSSSSSSSSSSSS GO!!" Qibli shouted, grabbing winter's arm and racing to the door. 

"You're excited." Winter said, his face in a bit of confusion.

"Well, It's because we won't have to hide anymore. We can like- Flirt in public!" Qibli smiled, his face beaming.

"Uh.. not exactly my thing..." Winter mumbled, But Qibli was already in the hallway, holding Winter's talons tightly, while skipping.


Qibli took a deep breath. 

You can do this. He told himself.

Then he SLAMMED Turtle's door open, shoved Winter inside, and locked him in there.

"I'm too scared." Qibli whispered to Winter through the door. "What if he doesn't accept us?"

"Don't worry Qibli. He's a great friend and will be here for us. "us" or not.

Qibli could hear Winter breathing, waiting for him to open the door and tell Turtle.

"Oh I'm still not telling him." Qibli said.

"Fine. I will." Winter replied.

"Turtle.. I need to tell you something..." Qibli heard from the door.

"That you and Qibli are a thing? I know. I heard you whispering in the lunch cave. Well, Qibli wasn't exactly whispering... he's too loud." Turtle replied.

whoops. Qibli thought.

"Did anyone else hear!?" Winter shouted. 

Moon, who was walking past, heard Winter shout and gave Qibli a confused face.

"The- uh.. Music last night! Did anyone else hear it?" He replied, without thinking much.

"What music?" She asked, as Qibli grinned, very suspiciously.

Moon gave him another look and kept walking.

Phew! That was close! He thought.

"No one. ...except Kinkajou. Her shower stopped working, so she asked if she could shower in mine. I think she heard us." Turtle said.

Kinkajou came out of the bathroom, smiling from ear to ear, her face bright as the sun.

"MY OTP!~" She squealed.

Wait- what? Qibli thought. People shipped us?

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